Greek Jeopardy 10 20 30 40 50 Famous People Big Events Mythology In Order Potpourri 10 20 30 40 50
Greatest leader of Athens. Pericles Greatest leader of Athens. Category 1 - 10
Greatest inventor of the Hellenistic Age. Archimedes Greatest inventor of the Hellenistic Age. Category 1 - 20
Philosopher that was sentenced to death for corrupting Athens’ youth. Socrates Philosopher that was sentenced to death for corrupting Athens’ youth.
Phillip of Macedon Leader responsible for finally uniting all of Greece under one government.
Leader of the Persians at the Battle of Thermopylae Xerxes Leader of the Persians at the Battle of Thermopylae
Leonidas led the Spartans against the Persians at this battle. Thermopylae Leonidas led the Spartans against the Persians at this battle.
Trojan War This conflict was between the Mycenaeans and another city-state in Asia Minor and was likely because of trade issues.
Delian League This group was formed immediately after the Persian War and was the first of its kind.
Alexander the Great This person likely died of cholera or malaria. His empire was divided after his death.
Marathon After this battle, an Athenian shouted “NIKE!” in Athens and then died.
Associated with the Oracle at Delphi Apollo Associated with the Oracle at Delphi
God of the Grape Harvest and ritual madness. Dionysus God of the Grape Harvest and ritual madness.
Goddess of Youth and Forgiveness. Hebe Goddess of Youth and Forgiveness.
Hades, Demeter, and Perspehone This group is associated with the myth that explains the seasons.
Hestia, Artemis, Athena The Virgin goddesses.
Persian, Pericles, Peloponnesian Place these events in order: Pericles Persian War Peloponnesian War
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Place these people in order: Plato Aristotle Socrates
Trojan War, Marathon, Thermopylae Place these events in order: Battle of Thermopylae Trojan War Battle of Marathon
Minos, Homer, Darius, Xerxes, Alexander Put these events in order: Alexander the Great Xerxes Minos Darius Homer
Darius, Leonidas, Pericles, Socrates, Alexander the Great Put these deaths in order: Pericles Alexander the Great Leonidas Darius Socrates
Type of government in Athens under during its Golden Age. Direct Democracy Type of government in Athens under during its Golden Age.
Term for a person who seizes power by force tyrant Term for a person who seizes power by force
Aristotle and the Golden Mean Name the Philosopher and Belief that you should pursue a moderate course between extremes in order to live a good life.
The high part of the city that housed the temples. acropolis The high part of the city that housed the temples.
Identify the three gods associated with these symbols: Hera, Poseidon, Hermes Identify the three gods associated with these symbols: Peacock Horse Caduecus