Hammurabi’s Code DBQ Essay Tips and Instructions Mrs. Courtney & Mr. Reinheimer 2016-2017
What to DO and what NOT to do… Rules of Writing What to DO and what NOT to do…
Don’t Provide “Previews” Do not write telling statements such as, “In this paragraph, I will tell you…”
Don’t Do It, & You’ll Earn a Good Grade! Do NOT use contractions or abbreviations in your final draft.
Put These Words to Rest! Avoid using the following overused words: very, thing(s), stuff, good, bad, great, lots/a lot, or nice.
Interrogative Sentences…What Are those??? Do NOT ask questions in your final draft.
But Why? Do NOT start sentences with the following words: but, and, so, like, or well.
Point-of-View Do NOT use second person point-of-view (you, your, yourself, yours, yourselves). You are not writing TO someone! Say “BOO!” to you!
Point-of-View Do NOT use first person point-of-view (I, me, my, mine, myself, we, us, our, ours, ourselves).
Documentation/Citation Cite your sources.
Let’s Begin… You need to correctly format your paper. Spacing Font (type & size) Heading Title Indentations Works Cited
Spacing Double Space: Double space the entire paper. Open a Google Doc. Click format Click line spacing Click double.
Font The default font is “Arial, size 11.” Click Arial; choose Times New Roman. Click 11; choose 12.
Heading Heading: Starting with the cursor on the LEFT hand side of the document, type your name (enter), your teacher’s name (enter), the class (enter), and the date (enter).
Title Your cursor is now lined up under the date, but you need to center your title. Click on the “center” text button.
Title - Centered Type your title, and then click enter. Do NOT add quotation marks. Do NOT capitalize insignificant words (it).
Typing the Body of the Essay Click the left align text button . Your cursor will now appear on the left; click “tab” one time to indent your introductory paragraph. Do NOT skip additional lines between paragraphs.
Typing the Body of the Essay Indent each paragraph. Do NOT skip additional lines between paragraphs. Do NOT click enter at the end of a line unless you need to start a new paragraph.
Introductory Paragraph Grabber Background State the ? Thesis