About NIB National Irrigation Board (NIB) was established in the Irrigation Act (Cap 347) with a mandate to, inter alia, control and improve irrigation schemes in the country. In its present strategic thrust, NIB intends to contribute to the realization of national aspirations under the Kenya Vision 2030(KV2030).
About NIB – Cont’d The Board is also in the process of modernizing irrigation systems in a bid to intensify and optimize its contribution towards enhanced national food security. To date a total of 121 irrigation development projects are being undertaken and can be found in all corners of the country demanded from the Board a national presence
Irrigation Development Targets The target set by the Government in the manifesto over a five-year plan of 2013- 2017 aims at increasing irrigated area by 80,000 ha (200,000 acres) per year. This will need a budgetary provision of at least KShs 40 billion per year besides water storage requirements.
Financing Financing irrigation development is geared towards rehabilitation and completion of existing schemes, investigations and designs, infrastructure construction of new schemes, development of water storage facilities and capacity building of both technical staff and communities.
Projects Ready for Construction Project Name Project Size (Ha) Estimated Cost (Kshs) Status Turkwel and Kerio Valley Irrigation Project 30,000 5.5 Billion Feasibility Study ongoing Rwabura Irrigation Project 4000 2.5 Billion Detailed design for irrigation conveyance complete, for storage on going Bondo Cluster Irrigation development Project 3200 3 Billion Detailed design for irrigation system completed Lower Nzoia Irrigation Project (Phase II) 3500 3.5Billion
Project Name Project Size (Ha) Estimated Cost (Kshs) Status Lower Kuja Irrigation Project 6500 4.2 Billion Detailed Design completed, construction of phase 1 on going Suba Cluster Irrigation Development Project 3400 2.5Billion Detailed Design completed. Rachuonyo Cluster Irrigation Development Project 1200 1.6 Billion Kavunyalalo Cluster Irrigation Development Project 2700 2.2 Billion
Project Name Project Size (Ha) Estimated Cost (Kshs) Status Hola Irrigation Project 5000 4 Billion Detailed Design completed. SAMBURU CLUSTERS Irrigation Project 500 900Million Detailed design Ongoing