Head Start / early head start services- may 30, 2017 City of Rockford Human services department/Community Action agency of boone & Winnebago Counties Head Start / early head start services- may 30, 2017
Community Action/Head Start was adopted by the City of Rockford in 1974-75 with the creation by City ordinance of the Department of Human Resources (later changed to Human Services) to stabilize services previously provided by the Rockford Area Community Action Association.
The Human services Department currently serves Boone and Winnebago Counties, but only Winnebago county for Head Start/Early Head Start.
Head Start history, mission and structure Winnebago County only, based on designation. Project Head Start was created in response to the Economic Opportunity Act of1964 based on growing research about poverty and its impact on early development and school readiness Within a few years of its creation Head Start became a nation wide program whose mission was to address poverty by providing comprehensive early education, health & nutrition and family engagement & support services for children ages 3 & 4 years old whose family’s incomes are at or below 100% of the Federal Poverty Level (currently $24,600 for a family of 4). Prenatal to age three services (Early Head Start) were added in 1995 In addition to comprehensive services, Head Start is distinguished by a set of national performance standards and direct federal funding to local communities
The Rockford City Council is the local governing Board for Head Start/Early Head Start services for Winnebago County.
The Federal Office of Head Start designates Head Start agencies for five year periods under the Federal Head Start Act of 2007. Re-designation occurs on either a competitive or non-competitive basis determined by program compliance and other factors. The current designation period for local Head Start/Early Head Start ends on June 30, 2018.
Due to deficiency determination in the area of Health and Safety during the current five year period ending June 30, 2018, the Head Start grant for Winnebago County will be re-competed between fall 2017 and spring 2018.
Should the City of Rockford seek to continue as grantee for all or part of the services provided by the Head Start/EHS grant, City Council approval of a competitive proposal will be required.
Current Head Start/Early Head Start Funding Total Federal Funds $6,303,941 Total Non-Federal Share $1,575,985 Head Start Ages 3-5 Funding Year: 4/1/2017-3/31/2018 Grant Amount: $5,149,329 Non-Federal Share: $1,287,332 Early Head Start Ages- Prenatal to 3 Funding Year: 4/1/2017-3/31/2018 Grant Amount: $1,154,612 Non-Federal Share: $288,653
Other Early Care and Education Services and Funding Total Grant Funds: $909,447 MIECHVP Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting Program- Prenatal through age 3 Funding Year: 7/1-6/30 Grant Amount: $179,459 Funded Enrollment: 20 Children and Families Early Head Start- Child Care- Prenatal through age 3 Funding Year: 7/1/2016-6/30/2017 Grant Amount: $562,498 Non-Federal Share: $140,625 Funded Enrollment: 40 Children and Families Head Start Pre-K- Supplemental Funds Support for Full Day 9-Month Head Start Classrooms Funding Year: 7/1-6/30 Grant Amount: $167,490
Current Services: Head Start and Early Head Start only Part Day Home Base Full Day/ Full Year 9 Month Dennis Early Education Center 7 Head Start Classrooms 730 Lincoln Park Blvd., 61102 225 HS Orton Keyes Head Start 653 Ranger Street, 61109 136 HS 20 HS Pre-K Fairgrounds Head Start 902 Acorn Street, 61101 Early Head Start Home Base (Parent/child socialization) 78 EHS Children 6 EHS Pregnant Women Hand-n-Hand Child Care 9530 Forest Hills Rd. Loves Park 61111 34 HS 8 EHS Rockford Day Nursery 2323 S 6th Street, 61104 20 HS 497 84 62 40 Head Start 591 (Note 40 Full day 9 Month Slots are Jointly Funded by Pre-K & Head Start) Early Head Start (EHS) 92 Total 683
(Parent/child socialization) Conversion Request- Pending Approval: Head Start and Early Head Start only Part Day Home Base Full Day/ Full Year 9 Month Dennis Early Education Center 7 Head Start Classrooms 730 Lincoln Park Blvd., 61102 157 HS Orton Keyes Head Start 653 Ranger Street, 61109 130 HS 20 HS Pre-K Fairgrounds Head Start 902 Acorn Street, 61101 Home Base (Parent/child socialization) 104 EHS Hand-n-Hand Child Care 9530 Forest Hills Rd, LP 61111 34 HS 8 EHS Rockford Day Nursery 2323 S 6th Street, 61104 20 HS 417 104 62 40 Head Start 551 (Note 40 Full day 9 Month Slots are Jointly Funded by Pre-K & Head Start) Early Head Start (EHS) 112 Total 663
Please refer to 2015/ 2016 Head Start Report Outcomes and impacts Please refer to 2015/ 2016 Head Start Report
Reasons for the city of Rockford to continue as grantee Equity and Access Organizational Capacity Complexity of Head Start Operations and Regulations
Challenges and threats High service costs driven by salary and benefits impacts our ability to maintain adequate staffing levels and program quality or to serve more children. Chronic inability to meet required 25% match requires approval of annual Federal waivers. Shifting population demographics and mobility of our target population results in enrollment challenges.
Strengths 18 year experience with early childhood partnerships and collaborations. Diverse staff reflecting the populations we serve. Seamless referral between Head Start/EHS and Community Services addressing basic needs and self sufficiency resources. Experienced staff knowledge of the community, early education and school readiness standards. High quality health and nutrition support services and parent engagement.
2018-2023 challenge Goal Maintain and improve quality and access to early childhood comprehensive services to the maximum number of low-income children and families in the most cost effective way.
Based on strengths, challenges and community assessment data, we would propose the following regarding future Head Start and Early Head Start Services: Continue to expand collaborations and partnerships based on an on-site/shared staffing approach to address cost, quality and in-kind match. Explore increasing prenatal to three programing through expanded home visiting and/or partnerships. Address underserved area of need in Winnebago County. Continue to strengthen family outcomes by increasing partnerships and collaborations.
Next steps Solicit partner interest/qualifications by mid July 2017 with the input of a planning committee to include Council members, community representatives, and staff/management. Determine feasibility of new partnerships based on how they address our goals and challenges as the basis for a new five-year proposal by August 1, 2017. Seek Council approval for moving forward by August 30, 2017. Write competitive proposal based on availability of Federal RFP ( Fall 2017-Spring 2018).