Mental Health TS Conference 2017 Karen Humphries Intellectual Disability Psychiatrist
What is mental health? We all have mental health Mental Health is a state of well-being emotionally and psychologically Things that can affect mental health Stress Alcohol Drugs Physical illness Brain abnormalities Epilepsy Chronic disease Mental Illness
‘Normal’ mental ill health Sadness Grief Worry Upset Anxiety Unhappy ‘Fed up’
Mental Illness Mood disorders Psychotic illness Depression Chronic/serious anxiety Bipolar disorder Psychotic illness Schizophrenia Psychosis
How common??? Mental health difficulties are very common 1:4 adults at any one time have a mental health difficulty Difficult to put a figure on children Estimated that 90% of people with TS will have a difficulty with a behavioural/learning/psychological problem at some point in their lifetime (TAND) Mental illness is more common in people who have TS Eg approx. 50% of children with TS have a mental health difficulty (2011) compared with 25% of children who do not have TS
Why? Chronic illness Physical manifestations Epilepsy Brain abnormalities
What? Tuberous Sclerosis Associated Neuropsychiatric Disorders Behavioural Psychiatric Intellectual Academic Neuropsychological Psychosocial Any mental illness
Diagnosis Awareness TAND Checklist Neuropsychological assessment Psychiatric assessment
Treatment Bio-psycho-social model Drugs/medications ‘Talking therapies’ Social supports