LEVEL 3 I can describe what is similar and different between my work and the work of other artists, designers and cultures. I can record my ideas and feelings through my creative work, I can select and record ideas related to the theme through drawings and from my imagination and experiences. I can create design ideas from my observational drawings. I can collect and organise images and research linked to the theme. I can use a range of materials, tools and techniques to create a final piece. I can create 2D and 3D outcomes (final pieces.) I can develop and change my design ideas as I go along. UNDERSTANDING INVESTIGATING MAKING
LEVEL 4 I can make comparisons between my work and the work of other artists, designers and from a range of cultures. I can record my ideas and feelings imaginatively through my creative work. I can creative an imaginative outcome showing that I understand the materials and processes used by artists, designers and craftspeople. I can select and record images related to the theme, from observational drawings and from my imagination and experiences. I can use a variety of media and techniques to show support the development of my ideas and research. I can show the development of ideas by collecting and organising images and research linked to the theme. I can use a range of materials, tools and techniques to create a variety of outcomes. I can create a range of 2D and 3D outcomes. I can review and adapt my design ideas where I need to. UNDERSTANDING INVESTIGATING MAKING
LEVEL 5 I can make comparisons between the techniques and processes used in my work and the work of other artists, designers, craftspeople and from a range of cultures. I can record my ideas and feelings imaginatively through my creative work. I can creative an imaginative outcome showing that I clearly understand the materials and processes used by artists, designers and craftspeople from different cultures. I can create good observational drawings and explore other materials and techniques to record and explore my ideas, feelings and experiences. I can use a variety of media and techniques to a good standard to support the development of my ideas and research. I can show the development of ideas by collecting and organising images and research linked to the theme using primary and secondary sources. I can use a range of materials, tools and techniques creatively and imaginatively to create a variety of outcomes. I can create a range of 2D and 3D outcomes to a good standard. I can review and adapt my design ideas as I go along and I can explain any changes in detail. UNDERSTANDING INVESTIGATING MAKING
LEVEL 6 UNDERSTANDING INVESTIGATING MAKING I can make detailed comparisons between the techniques and processes used in my work and the work of other artists, designers, craftspeople and from a range of cultures. I can record my ideas and feelings imaginatively and thoughtfully through my creative work. I can creative an imaginative outcome showing that I clearly understand the materials processes and used by artists, designers and craftspeople from different cultures and time periods and I can explain how different meanings are conveyed. I can create excellent observational drawings and use materials and techniques to record and explore my ideas, feelings and experiences in detail. I can use a variety of media and techniques to a high standard, to support the development of my ideas and research. I can show the development of ideas thoroughly by collecting and organising images and research linked to the theme using primary and secondary sources. I can use a range of materials, tools and techniques quite confidently, creatively and imaginatively to create a variety of quality outcomes. I can create a range of 2D and 3D outcomes to a high standard standard. I can review and adapt my design ideas to achieve my desired outcome. I can explain any changes in detail. UNDERSTANDING INVESTIGATING MAKING
LEVEL 7 UNDERSTANDING INVESTIGATING MAKING I can make considered comparisons between the techniques, processes and ideas used in my work and the work of other artists, designers, craftspeople and from a range of cultures. I can record my ideas and feelings imaginatively and thoughtfully through my creative work. I can explain in detail how feelings and meanings are shown differently in different artworks. I can creative imaginative outcomes by being inspired by images and artefacts from a range of cultures and time periods. I can create excellent observational drawings and use other materials and techniques to record and explore in detail, my ideas, feelings and experiences. I can use a variety of media and techniques skilfully, to support the development of my ideas and research. I can show the development of ideas thoroughly by collecting and organising images and research linked to the theme using a variety of sources and methods of researching. I can use a broad range of materials, tools and techniques confidently, creatively and imaginatively to create a variety of skilful outcomes. I can experiment with a variety of media to create my own techniques to use in my work. I can create a range of 2D and 3D outcomes skilfully, from my own experiments as well as from looking at the ways artist and cultures use different media. I can review and adapt my design ideas to achieve my desired outcome. I can explain in detail the strengths and weaknesses of my ideas. UNDERSTANDING INVESTIGATING MAKING
LEVEL 8 UNDERSTANDING INVESTIGATING MAKING I can show detailed analysis between the techniques, processes and ideas used in my work and the work of others. I can evaluate images and artefacts and can communicate how ideas, feelings and meanings are conveyed. I can explain how artworks can be interpreted differently. I can respond creatively and imaginatively to a range of images, artefacts and starting points. I can create outstanding observational drawings and use other materials and techniques skilfully to record and explore in detail, my ideas, feelings and experiences. I can explain my personal observations and experiences through my artwork. I can develop personal investigations from organising and assembling a range of resources and reference material. I can effectively plan a range of outcomes and processes to use in my work. I can use a broad range of materials, tools and techniques confidently, creatively, independently and imaginatively to create a variety of skilful outcomes. I can experiment with a variety of media to create my own techniques to use in my work. I can create a range of 2D and 3D outcomes skilfully, from my own experiments as well as from looking at the ways artist and cultures use different media. I can review my in progress work constructively. UNDERSTANDING INVESTIGATING MAKING