Engineering Design & 3D Printing Camp Geoff Knowles Executive Director & Assoc. VCSA Crawfordsville, IN
Ivy Tech Community College 2325 Phil Ward Blvd Ivy Tech Community College 2325 Phil Ward Blvd. Crawfordsville, IN 47906
Engineering Design & 3D Printing Camp 5 day summer camp (half-day, 1 week) Middle school & high school students participated Taught by Ivy Tech Faculty & a HS Technology Teacher Afternoon extra session for students to build a 3D printer Expose students to innovative technology increasing their interest and awareness of educational opportunities and career pathways
Participants (2016) Majority of students going into grade 9 or 10 Students 71% male, 29% female 29% Latino, 5% African-American, 9.5% Asian, 42.5% White Majority of students part of First Century Scholars program in Indiana (parents not college graduates) College attainment rate for Indiana 33.2%, 38.1% nationally, and 25.3% in rural Montgomery County, Indiana (Lumina Foundation, 2012)
Free object designs online thingiverse, pinshape, etc. Students were allowed to print one design they downloaded on the first day
Design Challenge Students learned about the engineering design process Students were given a “design challenge” – an earbud holder this year Students given time to work on other designs as well if they finished this project
Students learned about 3D printing, the process, materials, & types of 3D printers/technologies Stereolithography(SLA) Digital Light Processing(DLP) Fused deposition modeling (FDM) Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) Selective laser melting (SLM) Electronic Beam Melting (EBM) Laminated object manufacturing (LOM) Stereolithography (SLA)
Fused deposition modeling (FDM) The printer builds objects layer by layer from the very bottom up by heating and extruding thermoplastic filament. Special software “cuts” the CAD model into layers and calculates the way printer’s extruder would build each layer. The printer can extrude support materials as well. The printer heats thermoplastic until its melting point and extrudes it through a nozzle on to a base, that is also called a build platform or a table A computer translates the dimensions of an object into X, Y and Z coordinates and controls that the nozzle and the base to follow a calculated path during printing Credits:3DMT
Students learned about Autodesk Inventor and Solidworks as well as other parametric modeling software to design projects Free download for students/educators for Autodesk Inventor Free web-based parametric modeling software: OnShape, Google Sketchup, TinkerCAD, Sculptris, and others Some software is downloadable and others are web-based
Students learned about how 3D printing and scanning is used in industry from guest speakers Eric Lynch, Frontier Additive Manufacturing, Crawfordsville, IN JD Schaumberg, Online Resources, Inc., Lebanon, IN
3D Scanning
Students learned about 3D scanning 3D scanning has multiple applications Maybe a bigger industry than 3D printing in the future Quality control in manufacturing Compliance with specifications such as Indy Race Cars, etc. Scanning parts or objects to reproduce/reverse engineer Archiving artifacts JD Schaumberg, Online Resources, Inc.
3D Printer Building Session
3D Printer Building Students followed along with step by step instructions using an example built by the teacher All the parts were ordered, printed, or cut (wood) ahead of time and organized into a kit for students Students asked to bring a laptop to install printer software to run the printer Firmware also installed on the printer board and setup of the printer Printers tested before student took them home.
S-STEM Survey Summary Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, S-STEM Survey (2012). Student Attitudes Toward STEM (S-STEM). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University. Subscale mean scores for interest and confidence in learning STEM subjects (Likert scale 1-5): Math 3.77, Science 3.23, Engineering & Technology 3.77 On career interest subscale, the highest interest was in a math related career (accountant, economist, financial analyst, statistician, applied math, etc.), medicine, or engineering/technician Majority plan on going to college, only 15% noted community college first Top Career Choices: medicine, engineering, business management, performing arts, aviation, music education, computer science, psychiatry, computer graphics, science, technology 20% of students involved in a robotics club at school When asked about knowing adults working in STEM fields, all 4 areas were well represented (engineering and math highest)
Thank You J. Geoff Knowles 765-269-5681