8.2. TCP/IP (Temiss v5.4.1.01MC and above) - INTRODUCTION There is a status bar or showing TCP/IP mode at the bottom of Temiss. If TCP/IP feature disable, status bar will show “Disabled” as shown as above, which colour of word remain BLACK. Alert: The entire “Tester” works in TCP/IP Client Mode only. Alert: Only OM Host works in TCP/IP Server Mode. Main usage of this TCP/IP is to retrieve Test Result via TCP/IP, send FT Bin to another Tester via TCP/IP, and send combine datalog to OM via TCP/IP.
8.2. TCP/IP (Temiss v5.4.1.01MC and above) – CONNECTION STATUS If TCP/IP is connected, status bar will show “Tester X: Connected”, which X represents Tester ID (1 /2 /3 /4). Colour of word will change to GREEN colour. When OM Host detected there is a client connects & connected, status bar will show “OM Connected” and colour of word will change to GREEN colour.
8.2. TCP/IP (Temiss v5.4.1.01MC and above) – CONNECTION STATUS When there is disconnect, status bar will show “Tester X: Disconnected”, and colour of word will change to RED colour
8.2. TCP/IP (Temiss v5.4.1.01MC and above) - CONNECTION STATUS If connection disconnect and require reconnect, status bar will show “Tester X: Reconnecting...” and colour of word will change to BLACK colour
8.2. TCP/IP (Temiss v5.4.1.01MC and above) - CONNECTION STATUS There is a number of retry to reconnect, example 10. If fail to connect, it will show “Reconnect Timeout”, and colour of word will change to RED colour
8.2. TCP/IP (Temiss v5.4.1.01MC and above) - OM CONNECTION STATUS When OM Host it is waiting for connection, status bar will show “OM Host Ready” and colour of word will change to BLACK colour
8.2. TCP/IP (Temiss v5.4.1.01MC and above) - OM CONNECTION STATUS When OM Host it is waiting for connection, status bar will show “OM Host Ready” and colour of word will change to BLACK colour
8.2. TCP/IP (Temiss v5.4.1.01MC and above) - OM CONNECTION STATUS When OM Host it is waiting for connection, status bar will show “OM Host Ready” and colour of word will change to BLACK colour
8.2. TCP/IP (Temiss v5.4.1.01MC and above) - PC-TESTER SETUP There is up to 4 test station to be use in TCP/IP mode. For Test Side A, there is Tester Station No.1 & No.2. For Test Side B, there is Tester Station No.3 & No.4. User need to fill in IP & Port No for network communication setup. User need to fill in the physical Tester Module Location. This is important for Handler to keep track unit datalog and send FT Bin info to another tester. ID Device have to be name according to customer predefine format, example THAFT1, THAFC1, THBFT1, THBFC1 and the name must be unique to each other. Info Station have to be name according to customer predefine format, example OT-A1(FT), OT-A2(FC), OT-B1(FT), OT-B2(FC) and the name must be unique to each other. User need to check “Activate Tester X TCP for Result” in order to activate the function in each portion. Above is the example of configuration for TX30 TCP/IP (FTFC) as shown above
8.2. TCP/IP (Temiss v5.4.1.01MC and above) - PC-TESTER SETUP There is number of connection retry after detect disconnect and can be programmable. There is OM Host network configuration and user must fill in the information correctly (example as above) There is 3 key point of FTFC rules in here. FT Bin Program Variable Name must be set first in order of FC to work, default “FTestBinNo” SETVAR must be set to “Tester 1->2” Datalog must be set to “Tester 1+ 2”. If there is no FTFC rules for TCP/IP, user must set SETVAR: None, DATALog: None and deactivate “Activate OM Host Server”. Above is the sample of configuration for TX30 TCP/IP (FTFC) as shown above.
8.2. TCP/IP (Temiss v5.4.1.01MC and above) - MODULE SETUP Only need to Activate TCP/IP Test Result with I/O EOT for this TCP/IP feature setup in Module Setup
8.2. TCP/IP (Temiss v5.4.1.01MC and above) - USER PLC SETTINGS SETUP Make sure “Activate PLC user settings” & “Activate read PLC DB53” check box is checked for Temiss & PLC communication for this TCP/IP