Essential Questions and Vocab Unit #6 First World War Essential Questions and Vocab
LESSON #1 – World War 1 Begins (1/11) ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What were the causes of WWI, using the acronym MANIA What did the Archduke Franz Ferdinand have to do with the start of WWI? VOCABULARY 6-1 Prussia in 1871 (184) Triple Alliance (184) Franco-Russian Alliance (184) Militarism (184) Triple Entente (185) Nationalism (185) Self-determination (185) Archduke Franz Ferdinand (185)
LESSON #2 – US enters WWI (1/12) ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 3. What was the role of Gavrillo Princip in the start of WWI? 4. What seemed to be the attitude of most people in most countries going into this horrible war?
LESSON #2 – US enters WWI (1/13) ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 5. Why did USA join the war? 6. Describe attitudes of USA going into war. VOCABULARY (6:2) Neutrality Propaganda (187) Contraband (187) U-boats (187) Lusitania (187) “he kept us out of war” (188) Zimmermann telegram (188) Unrestricted submarine warfare (188)
LESSON #3 – US enters WWI (1/14) ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 7. What are some government agencies formed to refocus our nation to win the Great War? 8. What laws were passed to stop Americans from damaging out chances of victory? VOCABULARY 6-3 War Industries Board (WIB) (189) Food Administration (189) Victory gardens (189) Fuel Administration (189) Heatless Mondays (189) Liberty and Victory Bonds (190) The Great Migration (190) Four Minute Men (191) Espionage (191) Sedition Act of 1918 (191)
LESSON #4 – US enters WWI (1/19) ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 9. What method did the military use to fill its ranks with the millions needed to fight? 10. What effect did the Spanish Flu have on the population? VOCABULARY 6-4 The Draft (192) Selective Service (192) Selective Service Act of 1917 (192) Influenza (192) Noncombat positions (193) Yeoman (193)
LESSON #5 – US enters WWI (1/20) ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 11. Why was Trench Warfare so dangerous? 12. What were some modern killing inventions of WWI? VOCABULARY 6-5 p. 194: Trench warfare Artillery guns Western Front Barbed wire and machine gun p. 195: Poison gas Armored tank Zeppelins and airplanes Dogfights
LESSON #6:6 – US enters WWI (1/21) ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 13. Why were the Americans so successful, even with no experience? (2 reasons) 14. What were the final signs that the war was grinding to an end? VOCABULARY 6-6 p. 196: Doughboys Convoys Destroyers Czar Nicholas II Russian Revolution GEN John J. Pershing American Expeditionary Force p. 197: Argonne Forest Armistice Nov. 11, 1918
LESSON #6:7 – Treaty of Versailles (1/27) VOCABULARY 6-7 p. 197: Treaty of Versailles “Big Four” Fourteen Points p. 198 League of Nations reparations p. 199 “irreconcilables” “reservationists” ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 15. Why might the Germans have been upset with the harsher conditions of the Treaty of Versailles 16. What did it seem was the goal of Wilson?
LESSON #6:8 – Post War America (1/28) VOCABULARY 6-8 p. 200-201: General strike Boston Strike of 1919 Steel Strike of 1920 p. 202-203 The Red Scare Reds The Palmer Raids Deported Warren G. Harding’s “normalcy” ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 17. How did the end of the war and the soldiers coming home effect the workplace? 18. Why did we have such fear and hatred toward a general strike? HL to book 2m vid