HYDROELETRIC POWER A presentation by: Sobia Sultana, Athena Roberts, Menelik Ramirez-Rowe, and Lamar Wint
HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY GENERATION One of the oldest forms of producing power. About 7% of total power is produced by hydroelectric power plants. Water is already provided freely by the planet. Hydroelectricity plants use water as fuel instead of using fossil fuels.
HOW HYDROELECTRIC POWER WORKS Dams are created to hold water created by lakes, river, etc. Water spins through metal turbines that are connected to a generator. Power is then sent to homes, businesses, and towns. To be more precise, hydroelectricity is formed by the force of the falling water.
HOW HYDROELECTRIC POWER WORKS This capacity for this depends on the height of the water and the flow of it. As water builds up behind a dam, it accumulates potential energy. Then, when the water rushes down and strikes the blades, it is turned into mechanical energy. This current is generated into coils of wire, which is put into a transformer where voltage is increased to be transmitted over power lines.
ADVANTAGES Fuel is not burned so there is a minimal amount of pollution that is created. Water is provided free by nature Hydropower plays a major role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions Relatively low operations and maintenance costs
ADVANTAGES The technology is reliable and proven over time It’s renewable - rainfall renews the water in the reservoir, so the fuel is almost always there
DISADVANTAGES Requires a lot of land, water, money, time and construction. Hydrology dependant(precipitation) Fish entrainment or passage restriction. Loss of fish habitat May also change water temperature and flow of the river which may harm native plants and animals in the river and land.