Location Scotland Scotland is situated in the north of Great Britain. ¾ of Scotland are located on the island of Great Britain and ¼ of the small islands.
Highlands The highest mountain range’s in the Scottish Highlands, where is the highest mountain of Scotland, and of the United Kingdom Ben Nevis (1344 m above sea level).
Rivers The biggest rivers are the Clyde and the Forth. In smaller mountain rivers are doing salmons – that is the national fish of the country.
Lakes The biggest lakes are – Loch Lomon (Nature Reserve), Loch Ness (in this lake live LOCHNESS creature monster) and Loch Awe.
Traditional Scottish music Music is traditionally associated with old the gaelic culture. The Scottish bagpipes are widely known musical instrument.
Traditional Scottish sports Traditional Scotland sports are : football, rugby, golf, horse racing, motor racing, tennis, athletics and more.