Leo Carswell Principal Consultant HNWIS
Leo Carswell FOSTERING WATER INNOVATION IN SCOTLAND @HNWIS_Scot #Waterinnovationscotland hnwis.scot
Scotland a Hydro Nation FOSTERING WATER INNOVATION IN SCOTLAND Scotland a Hydro Nation Establishing Scotland as a Hydro Nation Utilising Scottish expertise to maximise the economic benefit Raising our international profile @HNWIS_Scot #Waterinnovationscotland hnwis.scot
FOSTERING WATER INNOVATION IN SCOTLAND Providing dynamic, proactive support and opportunities for innovative companies in Scotland to create and grow sustainable solutions for the global waste and waste water sector. @HNWIS_Scot #Waterinnovationscotland hnwis.scot
With the Aim of Building a Community…. FOSTERING WATER INNOVATION IN SCOTLAND With the Aim of Building a Community…. Helping businesses grow Helping maximise the economic development of Scotland’s water resource Promoting the economic development of Scotland Supporting the commercialisation of innovative products and services Accelerating ideas into the market @HNWIS_Scot #Waterinnovationscotland hnwis.scot
FOSTERING WATER INNOVATION IN SCOTLAND Established by Scottish Government through Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise @HNWIS_Scot #Waterinnovationscotland hnwis.scot
The Hydro Nation Water Innovation Service provides…. FOSTERING WATER INNOVATION IN SCOTLAND The Hydro Nation Water Innovation Service provides…. One to one support Independent unbiased advice and guidance Access to a network of experts Visibility and support to identify funding @HNWIS_Scot #Waterinnovationscotland hnwis.scot
Support aligned to your innovation FOSTERING WATER INNOVATION IN SCOTLAND Support aligned to your innovation Go direct to market Get more evidence Address regulations Find funding Do more research Find alternative market Find alternative product @HNWIS_Scot #Waterinnovationscotland hnwis.scot
FOSTERING WATER INNOVATION IN SCOTLAND Market knowledge…. Bob Stear - Innovation If you are going to try and sell something to us, please make sure you understand our specific problems and drivers!! @HNWIS_Scot #Waterinnovationscotland hnwis.scot
FOSTERING WATER INNOVATION IN SCOTLAND @HNWIS_Scot #Waterinnovationscotland hnwis.scot
Testing, evaluation & approval FOSTERING WATER INNOVATION IN SCOTLAND Testing, evaluation & approval @HNWIS_Scot #Waterinnovationscotland hnwis.scot