Victorian Britain & the Industrial Revolution Literacy: We will undertake a book study of ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty. We’ll also enjoy examining the key features of biographies and study the lives of Queen Victoria, Dr Barnardo & Florence Nightingale. After that, we’ll be looking to develop our persuasive and debating skills by examining child labour! Art/D&T: We will be loking at the life and work of William Morris and LS Lowry. We will also be looking at the Architectural wonders of Brunel through a study of bridges. Victorian Britain & the Industrial Revolution Sports: Hockey and Tag Rugby, as well as the sports enrichment lessons Science In this unit children will learn about how light travels and how we see things. Children will have the opportunity to plan and carry out an investigation finding a reflective material for children’s clothing and use light sensors and data logging equipment to measure and record their observations. Numeracy: This term, as well as ensuring a mastery of the four calculation areas, we will be ordering and comparing 6 digit numbers. Also this term we will be converting units of mass, capacity and measure. In our topic sessions, we’ll be studying the following aspects of life during the reign of Victoria, comparing the lifestyles of children and adults to today: The British Empire, Inventions, Crimean War, Child Labour, Workhouses (Oliver Twist), Industrial Revolution, Schools/Education, Toys.