Attendance Data 101 Tracking your students and staff July 2016 Attendance Data 101 Tracking your students and staff 1
Attendance Challenges Attendance Data Attendance Challenges Review the article independently. Then, use a sticky note to record at least one challenge with tracking, maintaining, or improving student and/or staff attendance within your building. When you’re finished, post your idea on the board. All (Participant Facilitated) District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 2
Agenda Introduction Student Attendance Tracking Attendance Data Agenda Introduction Student Attendance Tracking Adult Attendance Tracking Questions Next Steps Emily District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 3
Session Outcomes Objectives: Attendance Data Session Outcomes Objectives: Develop an understanding of the importance of accurately tracking student and staff attendance. Create solutions to common attendance data challenges. Acquire practical strategies for tracking data. Li District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 4 4
Please introduce yourself to the room Attendance Data Before We Begin... Please introduce yourself to the room Name School Role Theo District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 5
Agenda Introduction Student Attendance Tracking Attendance Data Agenda Introduction Student Attendance Tracking Adult Attendance Tracking Questions Next Steps District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 6
Why Track Student Attendance? Attendance Data Why Track Student Attendance? Most school districts and states don’t look at all the right data to improve school attendance. They track how many students show up every day and how many are skipping school without an excuse, but not how many are missing so many days in excused and unexcused absence that they are headed off track academically. - Attendance Works, 2011 Emily - We all know that tracking student attendance is incredibly important, we need to know who is present in our schools for a variety of reasons. When data is tracked sporadically or inaccurately, we are unable to do our job and ensure the safety of all students. District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 7
Student Attendance Challenges Attendance Data Student Attendance Challenges Tardy Students Inaccurate Attendance Entry Student Transfers Emliy - Tardy Students: When students arrive to school late, they are often given tardy passes. However, students who miss more than 2 periods are automatically shown as absent for the day. Teachers may not know they were tardy for first period and use this to track their attendance. Inaccurate Attendance Entry: Often times, students are incorrectly marked present or incorrectly marked absent. Student Transfers: Students are transient between DCPS and DC Charter Schools. When office staff isn’t informed about student transfers, students may accrue absences. Often times these are realized when students get to the CFSA referral point. District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 8
Attendance Team Roles - Brightwood EC Attendance Data Attendance Team Roles - Brightwood EC
Student Attendance Resources Attendance Data Student Attendance Resources School Name Registered 5-Day SST Students 5-Day SST Compliance CFSA Students CFSA Compliance Court Students Court Compliance School A 754 178 82.60% 20 90.00% 6 66.70% School D 299 4 25.00% School F 374 63 27.00% 5 20.00% 50.00% School B 479 124 37.10% 14 85.70% 33.30% School C 368 153 51.00% 52 76.90% 28 39.30% Emily - A weekly report is pulled from our Student Information System which outlines compliance rates with comparisons to other schools in the cluster. This allows us to progress monitor how we are working with each other. Set clear goals around compliance rates and share these frequently with all stakeholders. District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 10
Individual Student Intervention Tracking Attendance Data Individual Student Intervention Tracking Last Name First Name Unexcused Absences Total Absences Grade Notes Type of Intervention A Student 12 K 5 day conference has been done. CFSA C 5 8 6th Error in entry. She should have 3 unexcused absences. Has been updated. 5 Day B 6 7 7th LM needs to do an investigation. D 28 35 1st Court E 2nd Casanova out Emily District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016
How do I use the data I collect? Attendance Data How do I use the data I collect? Attendance Meetings Data Walls Classroom Competitions Emily - (Li add resources) District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 12
Scenario 1 Ms. Carter takes her attendance every day, but often fails to accurately record absent students. As a result, some students in Ms. Carter’s class are wrongfully awarded perfect attendance awards. Parents of Ms. Carter’s students regularly call to complain that they were not contacted by the school when their student was absent. How do you resolve this issue? What attendance data tools would be most useful? All (Participant Facilitated)
Scenario 2 Ms. Fenty comes to the building demanding to meet with the Principal. She is upset because she’s recently been referred to CFSA, and claims that her son has only missed three days of school this year. What pitfalls may have lead to this major data glitch? How would you resolve this issue? All (Participant Facilitated)
Attendance Data Resource Review Turn and Talk to a neighbor about one resource you plan to implement at your school for the upcoming school year. Theo District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 15
Agenda Introduction Student Attendance Tracking Attendance Data Agenda Introduction Student Attendance Tracking Staff Attendance Tracking Questions Next Steps District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 16
Why Track Staff Attendance? Attendance Data Why Track Staff Attendance? “Teacher attendance is directly related to student outcomes: the more teachers are absent, the more their students’ achievement suffers. When teachers are absent 10 days, the decrease in student achievement is equivalent to the difference between having a brand new teacher and one with three or more years more experience.” Li District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 17
Why Track Staff Attendance? Attendance Data Why Track Staff Attendance? Impact on Student Performance Impact on Staff Culture & Morale Monitor Productivity and Pay Li District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 18
Staff Attendance Challenges Attendance Data Staff Attendance Challenges Inaccurate Attendance Entry Shifting Behavior Up/Down Cycles Theo District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 19
Staff Attendance Policy Attendance Data Staff Attendance Policy An Effective Attendance Policy: Is established early Is clear and concise Holds staff accountable Is supported by management Theo District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 20
Staff Attendance Trackers (Internal) Attendance Data Staff Attendance Trackers (Internal) Staff Attendance Summary Staff Leave Summary Li
Staff Attendance Trackers (Internal) Attendance Data Staff Attendance Trackers (Internal) Li
Staff Attendance Trackers (External) Attendance Data Staff Attendance Trackers (External) Theo
Staff Attendance Trackers (External) Attendance Data Staff Attendance Trackers (External) Time Station: iPad App Theo Zoho People
How do I use the data I collect? Attendance Data How do I use the data I collect? Monthly attendance recognition Sharing/displaying staff attendance Bi-weekly reports of staff tardies/absences Discover data correlations Support progressive discipline Theo/Li District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 25
Scenario 3 Since the implementation of the new staff attendance policy, Mr. West has been at work on time every day. However, Mr. West has begun to take 1.5 hour lunch breaks daily, and often leaves work 30 - 45 minutes before the end of his tour of duty. How do you resolve this issue? What attendance data tools would be most useful? All (Participant Facilitated)
Scenario 4 Mr. Graham did not report to work on Tuesday, May 16th. He was marked absent and given administrative leave hours for the day. The timekeeper followed up via email, but Mr. Graham did not respond. Two weeks later, Mr. Graham comes to your office to report that he was at a professional development - approved by the instructional coach - on that date. How do you resolve this issue? What attendance data tools would be most useful? All (Participant Facilitated)
Attendance Data Resource Review Turn and Talk to a neighbor about one resource you plan to implement at your school for the upcoming school year. Theo District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 28
Agenda Introduction Student Attendance Tracking Attendance Data Agenda Introduction Student Attendance Tracking Adult Attendance Tracking Questions Next Steps District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 29
Attendance Challenges Attendance Data Attendance Challenges Let’s review the attendance challenges and briefly discuss any that were not addressed during the presentation. District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 30
Agenda Introduction Student Attendance Tracking Attendance Data Agenda Introduction Student Attendance Tracking Adult Attendance Tracking Questions Next Steps District of Columbia Public Schools | July 2016 31
Review the handouts and online attendance resources Next Steps Review the handouts and online attendance resources Decide how to personalize at least one resource to fit your school community Share attendance tracking resources and ideas with participants here Share feedback for the presenters here