Roaming through Romans 2 6. Practice what you preach Romans 2v21-29 Practice what you preach Preaching to others, but by-passing yourself v21 Stealing from the world v21-22 Lusting like the world v22, Mt 5v28, Gen 39v9, 1 Cor 6v18, Job 31v1 Living blasphemously v24, Isa 52v5, Eze 36v20,23 Your life is the only Bible some people will ever read Live in a way that makes the Lord attractive, not repulsive
Roaming through Romans 2 6. Practice what you preach Romans 2v-21-29 Practice what you preach CIRCUMstantial evidence v25, Gen 17v10-11, v14 Circumcision, an outward sign of belonging to the covenant Circumcision, a commitment to an obedient life v25, Gal 5v3 NT Baptism is like circumcision An outward sign of being in the New Covenant Shows outwardly what has happened inwardly
Roaming through Romans 2 6. Practice what you preach Romans 2v21-29 Circumcision without obedience = uncircumcision v25 Uncircumcision with obedience = circumcision v26 Turning the tables Gentile Christians who are obeying the Word are God’s Jewish ‘Christians’ who have circumcision & the Law, but don’t obey the Word are not God’s Being a true Jew (belonging to God) v28-29 It’s a circumcision of the heart Deut 10v16, 30v6 A transformed heart, shows itself in a transformed life