VOCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES All- identify different qualifications and career pathways. Most- explain the difference between amateur and professional Some- consider which accredited courses will lead to which career.
SPORTS PERFORMERS There are increasingly more opportunities to become a performer, with 3 basic categories: (try and guess what they are) Professional Amateur Semi-professional
PROFESSIONAL Takes part in a sport or an activity for their livelihood. They get paid £££ and do it as a full time job.
AMATEUR Someone who takes part in sport or an activity as a past time or hobby rather than for financial gain. Do it for enjoyment, usually have a job. Some activities its forbidden for an amateur to receive any money ££.
SEMI-PROFESSIONAL A combination of both Might have a job but also takes part in sport for payment. Usually work full time and play in their spare time Some work part time so they can train over a longer period.
OPEN SPORTS In many amateur sports there are loopholes that allow them to be paid. Shamateurs: compete as amateurs but receive illegal payments. List down some possible loopholes you can think of!
LOOPHOLES The loopholes include: Sponsorship deals ( equipment, clothing, free travel & cash payments for endorsing a product) Occupations (given a job) Expense payments (often more than expenses actually cash payments) Scholarships ( universities and colleges offer these to allow full-time sport to be carried out)
CAREERS There are many career opportunities in the ‘Sport and Leisure Industry’ Can you list down some possibilities! PE Teacher Coach Trainer Physiotherapist Sports Management Personal Trainer
PLENARY What is the main difference between a professional sportsperson and an amateur? Describe 3 ways in which an amateur may try to get around some of the rules that particularly apply to them. What is a semi-professional sportsperson? Give an example.
EXTENNDED LEARNING Find out what is meant by an ‘open sport’ . Also investigate what sports are completely amateur.