Argo Education Workshop Emanuela Rusciano JCOMMOPS Coordinator, Science & Communication Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology in-situ Observations Programme Support Centre
13-14 June 2017, Océanopolis Aquarium, Brest 1st Ocean Observers Workshop 13-14 June 2017, Océanopolis Aquarium, Brest The Ocean Observers workshop is jointly organized by JCOMMOPS and the Euro-Argo ERIC, in collaboration with the Argo Project Office, the IOC/UNESCO and the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Office. PROJECT: To organize an educational workshop dedicated to the in situ ocean observations bringing together ocean scientists, educational authorities and teachers, marine communicators, sailing community etc. who are willing to share and gather experiences on educational activities related to in situ ocean observations.
13-14 June 2017, Océanopolis Aquarium, Brest 1st Ocean Observers Workshop 13-14 June 2017, Océanopolis Aquarium, Brest © Image: An educational workshop to bring together ocean scientists, educators, sailing community and marine communicators who are willing to share and gather experiences on ocean observing educational activities.
1st Ocean Observers Workshop OBJECTIVES: To give educators marine science information which they could apply to their unique environments to raise awareness of the importance of the ocean for human life among school children and local communities. To favor discussions and collaboration between people engaged in marine science outreach activities. To engage “new schools”, educators, large public and private associations in ocean observing outreach activities. To assemble all existing educational materials in a unique repository under the UNESCO auspices (e.g. OceanTeacher Global Academy). To build a global ocean observations learning platform using Argo, Buoys and other networks as multidisciplinary educative vectors. To ensure that marine science research can be integrated into School Sciences and ocean observations can remain a priority for communities.
AGENDA DAY 1: June 13th 2017 9:00AM - 5:00PM OPENING SESSION SOCIAL EVENT (5:00PM to 7:30PM) SCIENCE SESSION presenting the role of the ocean and its impact on planet’s life, the meteorological and oceanographic observations using different platforms (Argo floats, drifters, marine mammals and ships) 4 scientific talks Representatives of scientific institutes to illustrate scientific initiatives carried out worldwide to promote ocean observations S. Speich: Ocean Climate change G. Mazé: In situ ocean observations C. Guinet: Ocean observations (marine mammals) P. Poli: Meteorological observations from buoy and ships USA/NOAA FRANCE/CNES FRANCE/LOV FRANCE/GLAZEO SPAIN/SOCIB SOUTH AFRICA/SAEON PACIFIC ISLAND/SEREAD JAPAN/JAMSTEC INDIA/INCOIS CHINA/SIO Argo Project Office (web-conference)
AGENDA DAY 2: June 14th 2017 9:00AM - 5:00PM EDUCATION & LARGE PUBLIC SESSION teachers and educators, aquarium, sailing communities, and associations will illustrate the activities conducted with schools and general public to disseminate the knowledge in ocean science through the ocean observations. FINAL SESSION discussions and brain-storming session to create an ocean observing learning platform. SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Teachers and educational authorities: feedback on ocean observing activities France/Océanopolis France/Ifremer CIVIL SOCIETY INVOLVEMENT France/Nausicaa Aquarium: World Ocean Network France/Monaco Aquarium Sailing community: science & sailing France/Petits Débrouillards F. Santoro (IOC/Unesco Ocean Literacy M. Belbéoch: Ocean observing learning platform
FINANCIAL COST & SUPPORT 1st Ocean Observers Workshop (C. Young SEREAD, C. Briesman NZ teacher, F. Santoro IOC)
Moving forward… Fix the agenda according to the keynote speakers’ responses; Look for others ongoing initiatives, over and above those mentioned already; Select keys attendees and send out invitations (the number of participants is limited to 60 people); Look for more sponsors. CALL TO ACTION: We would appreciate your comments and ideas and we would be very grateful if you could help us to: let us know about outreach activities in your country that we are not aware and school authorities/teachers would be interested to participate in the workshop.
JCOMM Action: Ocean Observing System 'report card‘ A condensate report on networks status for broad distribution during intergovernmental assemblies. (WMO Executive Council May 2017, Ocean Observations Side Event). AUDIENCE: funding agencies, IOC/WMO MSs, institute directors, decision makers, industry, etc. MESSAGE: The positive impact of sustained observations, the opportunities to engage, and the impact this would have. CONTENT: Network status, trend, main EOVs view Major achievements (scientific, technological, societal benefits, etc.) Future challenges Integrated network view FREQUENCY: Annual update FORMAT: 3 page brochure r/v (small poster once open), clear, visual, polished (working with communication designers) EDITORIAL BOARD: JCOMMOPS, JCOMM CO-President, Secretariats IOC/WMO, JCOMM OCG, Members of Panels (J. Turton, J. Kartstensen). Key message to deliver for Argo? Editorial Volunteers?
Many thanks for your attention!