WP 10 - Service activities: Access to data products and knowledge Antje Boetius, Felix Janssen, Ingo Schewe HGF-MPG Joint Research Group for Deep-Sea Ecology and Technology WP participants: NERC, OGS, HCMR, UiB, PLOCAN, IFREMER, BLIT, INGV, CNRS, IEO, INDP, CNR General Assembly 2017 Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain; 27 – 29 June 2017
Objectives WP 10 - Service activities Service Activities (SA) provide access to the data products and knowledge derived from most of the observatories which comprise the FixO3 network the FixO3 SAs are presented in four main themes for data provision in accordance with the tasks: Ocean physics and climate change Biodiversity and eco-system assessment Carbon cycle and ocean acidification Geophysics and geodynamics zu 1) This builds on the investments and expertise developed by EuroSITES, ESONET and CARBOOCEAN projects while providing significantly wider geographic coverage. 18 Service Activities in total originally applied in the DoW to provide data or data-products within the Service Activity initiative
Objectives WP 10 - Service activities Management, evaluation, and dissemination of the Service Activities (SAs) provided in FixO3 will aim to ensure excellent quality of the services and to maximize public awareness and the use of services and hence, societal benefit. Access modalities include delivery of data in real time, near-real time and in delayed mode, to allow for a wide range of data products for multidisciplinary use and for derived information including time series ecosystem variables
Activitiy - steps WP 10 - Service activities collecting detailed information from partners regarding their SA-provision plans in an online overview table initiating the review process end of 2014 by inviting partners to prepare their SAs for review constitution of a SA review committee with WP leaders of WPs 1, 4 & 10 supported by review abstracts presentation and access for SAs is realized via FixO3-Website implementation of a reallocation process to guarantee compensation of additional work within SAs
Activities - details WP 10 - Service activities workshop at the FixO3 kick-off meeting for harmonisation and optimisation of the services and dissemination means across FixO3 observatories Monitoring of Service Activities (D4.6) : Compilation of information on the different Service Activities and their implementation by partners [month18]
Comprehensive review process for all Service Activities Activities - details WP 10– Service activities Comprehensive review process for all Service Activities in a first step WP10 checked for each SA if the proposed open access availability for data and/or products was accomplished and approved the SA a for reviewing in a second step a review committee had to evaluate if the proposed functionalities of the individual SA were corresponding with submitted products and data in a final step WP10 assisted all service activities in preparing informative SA-presentations for the web-pages First review round lead to a first report on Service Activities Final Review including web-sites lead to final report
SA web-pages WP 10– Service activities Access to data streams and products offered under WP10 will be presented and publicized using the FixO3 web portal (WP8). All data and data products of the dedicated installations will be freely accessible on the web portal with an associated FixO3 label (WP3). Tools were installed to allow sustained monitoring of access and use of FixO3 data products.
Last Glider mission to ESTOC September 2015 Examples WP 10 - Service activities March- September 2015 deployment. Red lines represent the daily average from the historical data at ESTOC. Blue and green dots are the 2015 and 2014observations, respectively Last Glider mission to ESTOC September 2015 DO distribution hier kann vielleicht schlaglichtartig noch was aktuallisiertes rein, falls Partner vorweg noch etwas liefern… Sonst Folie raus mit dem Hinweis, dass im Anschluss ja von den Partnern einzeln berichtet wird.
Website statistics up running prominent strongly frequented? WP 10 - Service activities SA section of the FixO3-Website as a central access point for Service Activities up running prominent strongly frequented?
Website statistics WP 10 - Service activities Statistics to end Aug 2016 – but most pages only available since April 2016 Page / Section Visits Average visit time Service Activities main page 919 01:03 Ocean Physics & Climate Change 139 00:52 Biodiversity & Ecosystem Assessment 62 00:11 Carbon Cycle & Ocean Acidification 41 01:33 Geophysics & Geodynamics 35 00:57 FRAM 76 03:16 ESTOC 70 01:45 E2-M3A 52 02:09 W1-M3A 38 01:26 PAP 33 02:19 PYLOS 32 03:08 Biscay AGL 30 03:42 Station M 27 01:22 Momar 22 02:05 Tenatso 18 01:02 CVOO 14 01:04 Dyfamed 04:26 NEMO-SN1 9 05:50 Is the number views of the outputs on a webpage sufficient? How are we monitoring “use of FixO3 data products” specifically related to SA? This is an old statistics that has to be updated -> see mail to Simon
Dissemination SA-website itself is a dissemination activity WP 10– Service activities SA-website itself is a dissemination activity partners disseminated their SAs individually FixO3 Newsletter – Service Activities Special other dissemination actions
Dissemination WP 10 - Service activities dissemination of datasets and data-products via various portals and initiatives: GEOSS, ICOS, ARGO, OceanSITES, Arctic ROOS, MONGOOS, SeaDataNet, EMODnet, MyOcean, EMSO, InterRidge many SAs utilize individual networks for dissemination and collaboration such as Museum of Natural History, London Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET), EPOS system and GIC SATANEM/ COI at UNESCO
Collaboration collaborations with other European Initiatives like: WP 10 - Service activities collaborations with other European Initiatives like: AtlantOS OceanSITES JERICO ENVRI COOPEUS MARsite etc… ENVRI: Implementation of common solutions for a cluster of ESFRI infrastructures in the field of "Environmental Sciences" COOPEUS: was established to link environmental research infrastructures with simmilar missions accross the Atlantic MARsite: New Directions in Seismic Hazard Assessment through Focused Earth Observation in the Marmara Supersite