Français 2/10/14 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 115. Ecrivez six phrases. Tell how much you like or dislike the each of the activities in vocabulaire à la carte. What do you call a boomerang that doesnt work? Inventer – to invent. Elle na pas inventé leau chaude. Shell never set the world on fire. Goals – Learn new vocabulary. Watch a French movie! Move closer so you can read the subtitles. Kids will say the funniest things! Devoirs - #11 page 115. Ecrivez – le.
Français 2/11/14 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 114. Faites #15, ecrivez-le. Ringard – corny, old hat, unfashionable. Ce chapeau est vraiment ringard. This hat is really unfashionable. Why cant the bank keep a secret? Goals –TPR Vocabulary. Use new vocabulary to express how much you like or dislike activities. Introduce est-ce que. Devoirs – A la page 129, #3.
Français 2/12/14 Do A-C on the Handout before watching the movie. Why did the belt go to jail? Le piquant – spice, thorn. Il faut redonnerdu piquant à ton existence! Youve got to give some spice to your life again! Goals –Solidify understanding of Est-ce que in asking questions. Learn about the similarities of children across time and culture. Devoirs – pas!
Français 2/13/14 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 115. Ecrivez cinq questions for the poll. What happened to the survivors of a collision between a red ship and a blue ship? Á pied – on foot. Il se rend á son travaille á pied. He walks to work. Goals –Solidify vocabulary knowledge and prononciation for activities. Break down oral 4-1 with circuits. Devoirs – Rough Draft Dialogue 4-1.
Français 2/14/14 No class, early release. Cinq minutes preparer á lorale 4-2. What did one wall say to the other? La nuit – night. Ils ont dansé toute la nuit. They danced all night Goals –Solidify vocabulary knowledge and prononciation for 4-2. Break down oral 4-2 with circuits. Writing Game! Devoirs – In English, write about how often you do various of your favorite activities.