Warm Up 9/21/12 What are the three major monotheistic religions, which one came first? What is the major difference between Judaism and Christianity? What was the significance of the Edict of Milan?
Warm Up 9/13/13 1. List five ways that Greece and Rome have influenced the United States.
Warm Up 9/10/14 Why did the Roman empire fall, and what became of it? Define Justinian’s Code.
Judaism and Christianity
Standard 10.1.1 Analyze the similarities and differences in Judaism and Christianity.
Objective Students will note the similarities and differences between Judaism and Christianity.
Secular or Non-Religious BCE = Before Common Era CE = Common Era Is the next number going to be higher or lower? 2000 BC 400 BC 100 BC AD 1 AD 100 AD 1776 AD 2011 BC = Before Christ AD = Anno Domini In the Year of our Lord
Ch 1 sec3 Principles of Judaism and Christianity Vocabulary Polytheistic Belief in many Gods (Greeks, and early Romans) Monotheistic Belief in one God (Jews, Christians, Muslims) Torah Jewish holy text Also known as the Five Books of Moses and the Old Testament. Bible: Christians Koran: Muslims
Vocabulary cont. Sabbath Prophet Gentile Non-Jew A holy day for rest and worship Saturday (Sabado) Prophet Spiritual leader who God communicates through. Abraham, Moses, “Jesus,” Muhammad, etc. Gentile Non-Jew Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, etc
Judaism Judaism was the first monotheistic religion. -one god The Jewish holy book is called the Torah Star of David Rabbi =Spiritual leader in the Jewish faith.
Torah Torah=Jewish holy text Torah means instruction (gods instruction) and consist of five books -Genesis -Exodus -Leviticus -Numbers -Deuteronomy
Exodus Ten Commandments -moral laws Moses coming down from Mount Sinai
Sabbath= holy day for rest and worship
Review What was the first monotheistic religion? What is the name of the Jewish holy text?
Emergence of Christianity During the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) Christianity was born. Christianity was founded by Jesus whose teaching reflected Jewish principles.
Jesus Jesus was considered by some to be the messiah, the savior sent by God. Jesus teaching were rooted in Jewish tradition -ten commandments -monotheistic
Jesus was crucified by the Romans because they viewed him as a threat to their rule -Romans were polytheistic
Christianity Spreads Following Jesus death the apostles and other followers continued to spread his teaching Jews who believed Jesus was the messiah became the first Christians. Paul teaching about Christianity
Roman Persecution Rome persecuted Christians for their failure to make sacrifices to the emperor and failing to honor the gods.
Roman persecution of Christians ended in 313 A. D Roman persecution of Christians ended in 313 A.D. under emperor Constantine. Edict of Milan: Granted freedom of worship to all citizens of the Roman empire.
Judaism Christianity -Still waiting for messiah -Monotheistic -Jesus was the messiah -Old testament (Torah) -Dietary guidelines -New Testament -Worship the same God -Chanukah -Christmas -Jerusalem (holy land) -Yom Kippur -Easter
Review What does Monotheistic mean? List three monotheistic religions? What is Polytheism? What is the main difference between Judeo-Christian beliefs and Greco-Roman religious beliefs?