Cooperative Learning Ted Lougher Head of Modern Foreign Languages & Academic Administrator King’s College Junior School
Cooperative Learning Principles Positive interdependence Individual accountability Social skills Group processing Promotive interaction
Cooperative Learning My Research Context Research questions Primary intervention Secondary intervention Manifesto
Cooperative Learning Findings Enthusiasm Interdependence Role of the teacher Preparation of the classroom Social objectives
Cooperative Learning References Dörnyei, Z. (1997) Psychological Processes in Cooperative Language Learning: Group Dynamics and Motivation. The Modern Language Journal, 81 (4), 482- 493. Gillies, R.M. (2007) Cooperative learning: integrating theory and practice. London: Sage. Johnson, D.W. & Johnson, R.T. (2014) Cooperative Learning in 21st Century. anales de psicología, 30 (3), 841-851. Kagan, S. (1989) The structural approach to cooperative learning. Educational Leadership, 47 (4), 12-15. Kim, Y. (2008) The Contribution of Collaborative and Individual Tasks to the Acquisition of L2 Vocabulary. The Modern Language Journal, 92 (1) 114–130. Slavin, R.E. (1980) Cooperative Learning. Review of Educational Research, 50 (2), 315-342.