Multimodal Management of Opioid-Induced Constipation
Constipation in Advanced Disease
Patient: RA
RA’s Bowel History
Hospital Course: Pain
Hospital Course: Constipation
Signs and Symptoms Associated With Constipation
Rome III Diagnostic Criteria for Chronic Constipation
Constipation: Physician vs Patient Perception
Assessment of a Complaint of Constipation
Challenge # 1: Understand the Pathophysiology of Constipation
Challenge # 2: Screen for OIC
Challenge # 3: Promote Patient Education
Challenge # 4: Increase Awareness of Treatment Options for OIC
Oral Treatment Options
New and Emerging OIC Agents
Methylnaltrexone: Co-primary Laxation End Points
The Management of Constipation in Palliative Care: Clinical Practice Recommendations
Patient RA: Hospital Course for Constipation
References (cont)