Qualification Verification 2017/18 Juliette McGinley Quality Assurance Logistics Manager Fiona Malone Liaison Manager
Before we start… Workshop information Using the post its on the tables, capture your thoughts as I update you on NQ, HN & VQ Two parts to this part of session. Firstly, a review of NQ verification outcomes last year. Secondly, looking at our QA approach for next year, 2017/18
SQA NQ Quality Assurance NQ quality assurance outcomes 2016/17 NQ assessment and quality assurance in 2017/18 Two parts to this part of session. Firstly, a review of NQ verification outcomes last year. Secondly, looking at our QA approach for next year, 2017/18
College sector NQ verification outcomes 2014-17 NQ verification outcomes in the college sector by volume.
College sector NQ verification outcomes 2014-17 NOTE: these are the college sector for 2014 to 2017 by %. Note the % of Not Accepted has been over 20% in each of the last three years (and there was very low volumes in 2014). Compare these to the performance of all sectors on the next slides.
All sectors NQ verification outcomes 2014-17 NOTE: these are the outcomes for all sector between 2014 to 2017. Note 12-13% not accepted rate. It is something to be aware of that colleges have performed less well. Therefore important to take this back and ensure that staff delivering NQ are well supported.
Changes to assessment of National Qualifications Removal of mandatory units at National 5 (2017-18) Higher (2018-19) and Advanced Higher (2019-20) Greater focus on external assessment; reduced volume of internal assessment There are changes to the assessment of NQs coming into effect in the next three years.
Assessment of National 5 (current) External Course Assessment Unit Assessment Internal Course assessment Light blue bubbles indicate internal assessment Some course have internal assessment, but the majority do not.
Changes to assessment of National 5 (from 2017/18) N5 External Course Assessment Assessment Internal Course If courses have internal course assessment, they will look like this… Note the substantial reduction in internal assessment. If fact most courses will look like…
Changes to assessment of National 5 (from 2017/18) N5 External Course Assessment This. If they only have external assessment. Higher and Adv Higher will follow same process over next two years.
What does this mean for QA? Robust QA process will remain in place for SQA qualifications, but naturally in time the overall volume of verification will reflect the reduction in internal assessment
QA 2017-18: verification The same basic approach as previous years, with two rounds of verification Round 1 in February (units) Round 2 in March-May (principally AVU / IACCAs, but also some units) National 1–4 and SCQF Level 5 units will no longer be exempt from random selection for verification (but Higher and Advanced Higher will be exempt) Same structure for verification as in previous years R1 – February (focus on units at all levels). As in previous years, centres will either be selected for N1-2, N3-SCQF level 5 (formerly N5) or Higher-Adv Higher. R2 – Mar to May (principally focussed on the N4 AVU, IACCAs (N5, H and AH), but we will also continue to do a proportion of unit verification then to ensure we have appropriate coverage. This includes of SCQF Level 5 units which may be picked up in either round. With exception of Higher and Adv Higher units will no longer be exempt from ‘random’ selection for verification. We will continue to use proportionate and intelligence led approach to selection. Annex B of the last ANQ announcement, where it states: “Appropriate quality assurance processes, including the reintroduction of random sampling for verification of units, will need to be in place to ensure the integrity of unit and course certification” http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0051/00516166.pdf
QA 2017-18 The nominee system will close. Our focus of support will be on delivery of revised courses. Understanding standards materials are available to support internal assessment. Appointees will undertake verification activity. We have invested a great deal in building understanding of standards and capacity in the system, and we believe that this will continue to be of benefit to centres for years to come. With the reduction in unit assessment, however, we feel that our support offer should be directed differently. This was agreed in consultation with ADES. US materials are available across our range of units and our CPD programme will support internal assessment, which may be requested via. local authorities. Appointees will be used for all verification activity, but we will invite nominees to apply for these roles.
QA 2017-18 Approval – if you are new to delivering these subjects you will need to request approval for: National Courses: Care, Childcare, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Practical Metalworking, Practical Woodworking, Practical Electronics All Skills for Work Awards, NPAs, PDAs, NCs, Foundation Apprenticeship Awards Deadline: 29 September 2017 Just a reminder about approval – please not that Practical Metalworking, Practical Woodworking, Practical Electronics are new to this list. Approval is by level, but note that the Practical Metalworking, Practical Woodworking, Practical Electronics are only N5.
SQA HN VQ Quality Assurance HN VQ quality assurance outcomes 2016/17 HN VQ quality assurance improvements for 2017/18 Two parts to this part of session. Firstly, a review of NQ verification outcomes last year. Secondly, looking at our QA approach for next year, 2017/18
Qualification Verification Activity Improvements for 17/18 Quality Assurance Management System (QAMS) Allocation Timetable and notification to centres Introduction of Deputy Lead Verifier role Training for Qualification Verifiers QAM Management System and supporting processes and documentation to support the online changes
Qualification Verification Planning SQA/College Planning meetings (July – August) Selections Released to Verifiers Initial Contact by EVs/SQA Product Block End September 2017 October HN, SVQ, NQ End October 2017 November End January 2018 February End March 2018 April HN Graded Visiting April (SQA) HN Central Verification
Deputy Lead Verifier Supporting, Mentoring and Monitoring of SEVs Standardisation of QV Practice and QV Decisions Measuring Key Performance Measures of SEVs
Quality Assurance Management System Benefits Visit Planning QAMS Visibility of SLAs Visit planning online (remote/visiting) Notification to centres of allocation Visit re-plan process Visit plan will advise of Double Banking Supporting Process Standard email requesting additional info QV guidance – sampling/visit/remote planning process/assessment sites, assessors/IV
Visit Reporting/Feedback Quality Assurance Management System Benefits Visit Reporting/Feedback QAMS One agreed action date One evidence type Evidence Review report – full history of criteria and actions Outcome rating change Event ID on email communication Units verified rather than units selected Supporting Process Guidance documentation SEV/DLV monitoring Outcome of QV form Outcome/Sanctions relationship Training on Report Writing QA Logistic -contact information in QV centre guidance
HN VQ Appointee Training SEV Training - June 2017 VQ Verifier Training - August 2017 Standardisation - September/October 2017HN SEV/DLV Role Standardisation of Subject/Practice Report Writing Visit Planning Feedback Consistency of Approach QAMS Training Communication and Feedback Digital Evidence Dissemination of Information Standardisation of practice Standard Agenda Items Standardisation of 16/17 Reports Review of Reports Monitoring Reports Mentoring EV/SEVs Ongoing Support
Summary Standardisation of External Verifier practice and process System enhancements which facilitate improved qualification verification activity Feedback to SQA
Feedback & Questions?