Robins Curriculum Overview Homework and home learning 50th Celebrations! The school will be celebrating its 50th birthday this year. We have been assigned the period of 1980s! In history we will be looking at notable events during this time such as the wedding of Charles and Diana. As well as toys and games including Pac-Man, fashion and music. We will also be comparing how these things have changed from the 1980s to the present day. We will round the topic off at our school fete in October by using our programming skills to create our own game of Pac-Man! Numeracy We will be building on the children’s previous knowledge in mathematics and extending counting and number recognition to 100. We will be focusing on adding, subtracting, money, measuring, shapes and counting in 10s. We will continue to learn through practical activities as well as developing recording methods. Literacy We will begin the term by looking at the story of The Gingerbread man! He will be visiting us over the first couple of weeks. We will then begin to look at other familiar stories and how we can adapt them. We will be continuing to use our sounds when writing sentences and we will begin to look at a range of punctuation. Children will be writing lists and labels for different purposes. Computing We will be developing our general ICT skills which will include logging on or off. We will also be developing our programming skills through the use of Bee-bots. Robins Curriculum Overview Autumn 1 PE This term we are focusing on our balancing skills in gymnastic, exploring movement in dance and developing our sending and receiving skills in outdoor PE. Please make sure your PE kit is in school all week. Art Our art focus this term is Pop art- we will be looking at Andy Warhol as an artist from the 1980s and we will begin to design our own art work in the same syle. Design and technology Our DT this term is all about designing and creating. We will be using recycled materials to make time machines in order to travel back to the 1980s! Homework and home learning Homework will be given out each Wednesday and must be returned to school each Monday. Please encourage your child to use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, full stop at the end and to leave clear finger spaces. Children should be reading at home and bringing their reading books and diary to school everyday. RE Our RE focus this term is ‘Thanking’. We will be thinking about times when we say thank you and talking about how thanking affects us and others. We will be looking at Harvest as a time of thanks and how Christians show their thanks to God at this time. PSHE Our PSHE topic this term is ‘New beginnings’. We will be thinking about starting Year 1 and how we deal with change. Science In science this term we will be exploring everyday materials. We will be experimenting which materials are most efficient for everyday objects like an umbrella. Music In music this term we will be using vocal sounds and exploring pitch and tempo. We will then be moving on to listening and comparing artists from the 1980s.