“Art is Human Artifact” Purposes of Art “Art is Human Artifact”
Art that is created to observe ritual, celebration, or commemoration Ceremonial Art that is created to observe ritual, celebration, or commemoration
Aztec Mask Ceremonial Headdress Mehndi Ceremonial Art
Artwork that is created to be used in everyday life Functional Artwork that is created to be used in everyday life
Persuasive Artwork that is created to promote ideas or products – advertising, marketing, propaganda, ideology
Narrative Art that is created to tell stories, describe/illustrate experiences, communicate ideas or information, document historical events
Migrant Mother Dorothea Lange
Creation of Adam Sistine Chapel Ceiling Michelangelo
Artistic Expression Art work that is created to express or communicate emotion, ideas, or feelings
The Scream Edward Munch, 1893
Starry Night Van Gogh, 1889
Andy Warhol
Purpose Power point Presentation must include the following: Terms and definitions At least 5 examples of each purpose Each example must be labeled Label will include title, artist name, year, or where it comes from (if available)
Scoring Guide Terms 25 points Definitions 25 points Examples 25 points Label 25 points