Photo Collage
Doug and Mike Starn. Doug and Mike Starn were born in New Jersey in 1961. Identical twins, they work collaboratively with photography, effectively combining traditionally separate disciplines such as sculpture, photography, painting, video, and installation.
The Starn Brother’s work is often textural in nature.
Mickey Smith
Mickey Smith (b. 1972, Duluth, MN, USA) received a B. A Mickey Smith (b. 1972, Duluth, MN, USA) received a B.A. in Photography from Minnesota State University Moorhead in 1994. Images from her Volume series have exhibited in New York, China and Russia. Smith has received the McKnight Artist Fellowship for Photography as well as grants from Forecast Public Art Affairs, CEC ArtsLink and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.
Andy Warhol
World Trade Center ca. 1986-87
Picture with Signs ca. 1983-86
Brick Wall ca. 1976-86
Mao 1982-86
David Hockney Hockney creates collages in order reflect the Cubist sense of multiple angles. These "multiples" (as he calls them) convey a strong sense of movement, Hockney argued, in that the viewer must keep readjusting his imagined viewpoint as his gaze travels from print to print. The viewer must build up a single image that is many times wider in angle of view than the camera lens. Portrait of the Artist's Mother, c. 1985
student work
student work
Get a good idea of what you want when you are done. Things to consider when taking your photographs for this assignment: While you will be taking 24 photos for this assignment, you are basically taking one image. Make sure that you are spending your time on an interesting image. Get a good idea of what you want when you are done. Will it be a solid structure or have gaps? Will you rotate your camera or hold it straight every time?
Will you use the same photo size throughout, or use different sizes as you go?
How will you change your camera angle as you shoot?
How will this work be different?
Decide after you find your subject, but before you shoot!
Layout can make or break your project.