Overview of CSE and UW Computing Facilities 5/16/2018 Overview of CSE and UW Computing Facilities Outline: Help Resources Accounts Email Cloud Services Startup tasks 5/16/2018
Getting Help CSE Help: UW Help: Help desk: support@cs.washington.edu 5/16/2018 Getting Help CSE Help: Help desk: support@cs.washington.edu We’re your “special” technical contacts Me: fred@cs.washington.edu (206-543-4725) Rod Prieto: rprieto@cs.washington.edu UW Help: Help desk: help@u.washington.edu 5/16/2018
UW and CSE Credentials UW NetID For campus-wide computing facilities: 5/16/2018 UW and CSE Credentials UW NetID For campus-wide computing facilities: Unix cluster, campus labs, campus wireless, “myUW”, site-licensed software CSE NetID For CSE facilities SSH to CSE Unix cluster: attu.cs.washington.edu Wireless network in Allen Center Access to protected areas in CSE web space. CSE Windows (domain: CSEPCLAB) Labs: CSE 002, 006, and 022 Remote Desktop - aria.cs.washington.edu 5/16/2018
Log in to your CSE accounts soon (To avoid having them suspended) Support staff might not be around in the evenings to reset passwords, etc. 5/16/2018
Email CSE Email: <yourCSEUser>@cs.washington.edu 5/16/2018 Email CSE Email: <yourCSEUser>@cs.washington.edu This address is currently forwarding to the address Dave has on file for you Don’t forget to read this mail! UW Email: <yourUWNetID>@uw.edu This address may appear in UW directories 5/16/2018
Cloud Services Google Apps and Microsoft Windows Live 5/16/2018 Cloud Services Google Apps and Microsoft Windows Live Linked to CSE and UWNetID identities Offerings: Email, Calendar, Storage, Documents & Collaboration Opt-in mail routing for <CSEUserName>@cs.washington.edu and: <UWNetID>@uw.edu 5/16/2018
First Assignment .. Get a UW Net ID: Install SSH client v.2 required http://www.washington.edu/itconnect/ (You’ll need a Student # and Private Access Code) Configure mail forwarding for uw.edu email Install SSH client v.2 required PuTTY: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ 5/16/2018
First Assignment (cont.) 5/16/2018 First Assignment (cont.) Log in to: attu.cs.washington.edu Run passwd to change password Change Windows password: Remote Desktop to aria.cs.washington.edu User name: CSEPCLAB\<user> Scan through orientation document: http://pmp.cs.washington.edu/dl_tech/orientation.html 5/16/2018