AdvancED Accreditation Webinar on the AdvancED Engagement Review Richmond County School System Office of Accountability Matea Chavous, Accountability Specialist
Our Purpose today…… Discuss why our school system goes through the AdvancED accreditation process. How does it benefit us? Review the Continuous School Improvement Calendar and AdvancED updates AdvancED Continuous Improvement Checklist Review the AdvancED Domains and the alignment of AdvancED standards with CNA standards Discuss the changes in the Accreditation Process for the 2017-18 school year
Why does our school system go through the AdvancED accreditation process? How does it benefit us? The accreditation process is for our benefit as a school system because it ensures that all schools are meeting high standards as designed through our Strategic Map and the school improvement process. The accreditation gives us the tools, resources, and guidance we need, not to be just a “good enough” school system, but to assist our schools in continuing to improve by helping our students achieve academic growth and excellence.
Continuous School Improvement Calendar and AdvancED Updates
Continuous School Improvement Calendar and AdvancED Updates (Continued)
Continuous School Improvement Calendar and AdvancED Updates (Continued)
Continuous School Improvement Calendar and AdvancED Updates (Continued)
AdvancED Continuous Improvement Checklist
AdvancED Domains 1. Leadership Capacity Domain 2. Learning Capacity Domain Mission and Vision Curriculum Policies Assess Programs Continuous Improvement Cycle Learning Strategies Procedures TAA RCBOE-Codes of Ethics Evaluation Leadership Training Career Planning Stakeholder feedback Data to identify learner needs 3. Resource Capacity Domain PL Induction, Mentoring, Coaching HR-personnel-recruitment and retention Digital Resources Resource Management-Budgeting Budgeting
Alignment of AdvancED standards and Stragetic Map
Alignment of AdvancED and CNA Standards
Old and New Processes for AdvancED Accreditation Old Process for AdvancED Accreditation New Process for AdvancED Accreditation External Review Team conducted the External Review Visit Engagement Review Team will conduct the Engagement Review Had to use AdvancED Parent, Student, and Staff Surveys Can use the Georgia Climate Survey – AdvancED did a crosswalk with the standards. Also, eProve surveys are available for different stakeholder groups. Had a Stakeholder Feedback and Student Performance Diagnostic Experience Inventories Self-Assessment While NO Self-Assessment is required, it is suggested that stakeholders are aware of each standard. We also have to think about the 7 quality factors for schools: Clear Direction, Healthy Culture, High Expectations, Impact of Instruction, Resource Management, Efficacy of Engagement, and Implementation Capacity. Executive Summary sent 6-8 weeks prior to the visit. NO Executive Summary – only evidence and information sent 3-4 weeks prior to the visit Internal Review Report AdvancED Assurances are required AdvancED Performance Standards for Systems and Schools are aligned and will be used by the Review Team. Student Inventory, Teacher Inventory Strategic Plan/Map – Mission, Vision, Values must be key drivers eProve Workspace is the work environment for storing evidence and information – coming soon Work is being done on an effective Board Governance Observation form