7th grade Life Science
8th grade Physical Science
Teacher: Miss Pangilinan BS in Biology from University of California, Irvine Teaching Credential from University of California, Santa Barbara Teaching since 1998
Maestra: Miss Pangilinan BS in Biologia de la Universidad de California, Irvine Credenciales de Maestra de la Universidad de California, Santa Barbara Ensenando desde 1998
8th grade Physical & 7th grade Life Science Course Subject: 8th grade Physical & 7th grade Life Science
8th grado Físico & 7th grado Vida Ciencias Sujecto: 8th grado Físico & 7th grado Vida Ciencias
What will 7th grade learn this year? California Standards Website: http://www.cde.ca.gov/standards/science/grade7.html
What will 8th grade learn this year? California Standards Website: http://www.cde.ca.gov/standards/science/grade8.html
What will we learn this year? California Standards Website: http://www.cde.ca.gov/standards/science/grade8.html * http://www.cde.ca.gov/standards/science/grade7.html
Que aprenderemos este ano? California Standards Website: http://www.cde.ca.gov/standards/science/grade8.html * http://www.cde.ca.gov/standards/science/grade7.html
What will 7th grade learn? 7th grade: Life Science Scientific Method
What will 8th grade learn? 8th grade: Physical Science Scientific Method
What else will 7th grade learn? 7th grade: Life Science Cell Biology
What else will 8th grade learn? 8th grade: Physical Science Structure of Matter
What else will 7th grade learn? 7th grade: Life Science Genetics
What else will 8th grade learn? 8th grade: Physical Science Periodic Table
What else will 7th grade learn? 7th grade: Life Science Species Diversity
What else will 8th grade learn? 8th grade: Physical Science Chemistry
What else will 7th grade learn? 7th grade: Life Science Structure & Function
What else will 8th grade learn? 8th grade: Physical Science Motion
What else will 7th grade learn? 7th grade: Life Science Light
What else will 8th grade learn? 8th grade: Physical Science Force
What else will 7th grade learn? 7th grade: Life Science Earth’s Life History Pangaea
What else will 8th grade learn? 8th grade: Physical Science Solar System
Important opportunites for success! * Extra Help Availability: 8 AM Monday through Friday * Mercy Days: Retake a test (not quiz) on a given day. Ticket is a fixed old test & parent or guardian signature.
Importante oportundades para succeso! * Ayuda Extra: 8 AM Lunes a Viernes * Dia de Misericordia: Volver a tomar prueba Boleto es una prueba correjida
Important Assignments! * Vocabulary Comprehension Assignments: Due approximately every two weeks. * Inventories: Includes all class & homework for a unit. Needed to study for unit tests. Due at the end of every unit on the day of the test.
Asignos Importantes! * Asignos de Comprension de Vocabulario: aproximadamente cada dos semanas. * Inventarios: Incluye todo el trabajo de classe y tarea de esa unidad. Es Nessario estudiar para la prueba Al final de cada unidad en el dia de la prueba.
Why is learning science vocabulary important??? ???????????????????????? Because science is like a foreign language So please learn 2 words a day!!!
Important Tool: USE IT! * Agenda: For assigned homework. For dates of tests/quizzes. For objective – what we will learn. For parent/teacher/student communication For important events (dances, club meetings, birthdays)
Comunicaciones Importantes Herramienta que busca! * Agenda: Demostrar asignos tarea. Demostrar fecha de prueba. Demostrar que topico se aprendio. Donde puede dejar una nota para mi
Important Notice for Science students! Take care of your Science textbook by covering it & leaving them at home!!!
Please fill out an information card… Why? Keep the communication open
Por favor llene una carta de informacion… Porque? Mantener la comunicacion abierta
New Announcement Grant money earned by Ms. P!!! We will be able to buy radars & equipment to measure force for 8th grade experiments.