Welcome to the Primary School Our Mission … “ to ensure that students of all nationalities grow to their full potential as independent learners in a caring British international community” Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 1
WELCOME TO YEAR 2 2013 – 2014 Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 2
Aims of the meeting Communication. Year 2 Curriculum. Learning at home Aims of the meeting Communication. Year 2 Curriculum. Learning at home. Time in your child’s classroom. Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 3
Year 2 website Year 2 news. Reminders of Year 2 events. Act as the first port of call for parents during school closures . Act as the link page for the blogs . Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 4
Parent/Teacher Partnership Parent help at school Class Parent Open door policy Appointments 3 way conferences and reports N.B. Please let the class teacher know if you are taking your children out of school - either for holidays or picking them up early. NO NUTS PLEASE. Please help us by not using the ramp, or allowing your children to. Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 5
Reporting Optional “Tell us about your child” meeting Term 1: Settling-in Reports 3 Way conferences Term 2: 3 Way conferences Term 3: End-of-Year Reports Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 6
Curriculum Weekly Lessons Enriching the curriculum Homework Learning at Home! Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 7
Weekly Lessons With the class teacher: Maths Literacy Science Design Technology & Art Guided reading Phonics (Letters and sounds) Geography & History (Thai Humanities) Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE or Circle Time) Library With a Specialist Teacher: Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Physical Education - inc. swimming (PE) Music Thai Studies Connected Learning Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 8
Educational visits Themed days Creativity! 21st Century skills! Enriching the Curriculum Educational visits Themed days Creativity! 21st Century skills! Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 9
21st Century Skills 20 iPads 22 laptops +++ Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 10
Learning at Home Daily Reading Term 1 – Reading Matrix Term 2 – Spelling focus Term 3 – Reading comprehension On going learning of High Frequency Words Personalised Learning Activities, as required Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 11
Class Teacher Presentations Classroom organisation Routines etc in their class Rewards and sanctions Personal belongings Contact Polite reminder – these are not Teacher Consultations. Please arrange a suitable time with the class teacher if necessary. Optional “Tell us about your child” meeting. Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 12
You are now welcome to go to your child’s classroom to meet the teacher. Thank you very much for coming today. Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 13