Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Government Single-Party State (KWP) Head of State: Kim Jong-Il Unicameral legislature Appointed by head of KWP Considered a rubber-stamp Central Court, appointed by SPA Cabinet appointed by SPA
Economy Centrally Planned GDP: ~$40 billion, growth 3.7% ~40% of workforce in agriculture Regular food shortages Industry geared towards military production Infrastructure failings
Geography Area of about 120,000 sq. mi on Korean Penninsula Borders: China Russia Republic of Korea Temperate climate, mountainous Mineral deposits: coal iron lead
Military 5th largest military 1.21 million people 15.8% of GDP Ratio of military to non-military highest in the world (1:25) Mostly outdated Cold War technology with some more modern equipment
Nuclear Program Conducted first test in 2006 Another test in 2009 Withdrew from NPT in 2003 Two reactors, at Yongbyon (right)
Culture Cult of Personality Art, Music, etc. revolve around Kim Jong-il and Kim il-Sung State-controlled media Buddhist and Confucian traditions, however religious practices restricted International sports
International Involvement Member of: UN G-77 FAO, UNESCO, WHO, etc. Obstructionist Strained or non-existent relations with many states USA Republic of Korea Japan France Close ties to PRC and Russia Does not recognize Israel