The Scientific Revolution
Main Idea: New ways of thinking led to remarkable discoveries during the Scientific Revolution.
What changes led to the dawn of modern science?
changes in science: In the middle ages, people who had questions about the natural world sought answers from traditional sources such as the church and ancient scholars. Ex. The church taught the Earth was at the center of the universe and the sun, moon, and planets revolved around the Earth. Geo=Earth Centric=centered
changes continued... In the middle ages, scholars in Europe learned about advances in science from the Arab world. They began to challenge traditional thought. This was called the Scientific Revolution. Why was Europeans suddenly open to new thought? The more people observed the natural world, the more they realized ancient beliefs did not match these new discoveries.
Scientific Method: Scientists developed a new approach to investigation and discovery called the scientific method. 5 steps? Francis Bacon: Englishman who wrote in 1620 the only true way to gain scientific knowledge was through experimentation, observation, measuring, explaining, and verifying.
scientific method continued... Rene Descartes: In France, Descartes placed more emphasis on reason. Everything should be doubted until it can be proven. Relied on mathematics and logic.
what discoveries in astronomy, physics, and math occurred during the scientific revolution?
Astronomy: Nicolaus Copernicus: Developed the heliocentric theory of universe (sun-centered). Tycho Brahe: Supernova's Johannes Kepler: Elliptical orbits Galileo: built telescope in 1609. First to see Saturn, craters on the moon, sunspots, the moons of Jupiter, and that the Milky Way is made up of stars.
Astronomy continued... Sir Isaac Newton: Wrote book "Principia" where he outlined the laws of universal gravitation. Explained that gravity in universal and keeps the planets in their orbits. Calculus: he used this to predict effects of gravity.
How did scientific ideas enter the realm of society?
science and the church: Church was the primary source of knowledge and learning. Although most scientists were Christian and didnt want to challenge the teachings of the church, conflicts did occur.
Science and Community Soon, Philosophers and scholars would seek new understandings about society. They would reexamine old ideas on government, religion, education, and economics. They would also wonder if reason could solve the age old problems of poverty, war, and ignorance. These changes that occurred during the scientific revolution would lead to even greater changes and advancements as you will see in the next section.