A FEASIBILITY STUDY OF A MULTIMODAL MANAGEMENT APPROACH OF INPATIENTS WITH CHRONIC NON-MALIGN PAIN IN SOMATIC HOSPITALS B. Hval1, V. Stroem1, M. Stolpnes1, R. Maarud2, E.A. Fors1,2, P.C. Borchgrevink1 1Center for Pain an Complex Disorders 2Psychiatric CL-team St.Olavs Hospital , University Hospital of Trondheim, Trondheim, NORWAY Typical situations for chronic pain patients with complex disorders. Your mental health is bad. I’ll send you to a psychiatrist. If you get better, I can treat your pain. Sorry, I can’t help you with your depression. You have too much pain. You need pain killers. 443 patients were admitted to the acute pain team, 98 of them because of chronic pain: 69 of these 98 chronic pain patients were hospitalized because of their pain and 29 had pain in addition to other disease: These 69 chronic pain patients were treated by the acute pain team, the CL-team and the multidisiplinary outpatient pain centre: 443 patients 98 patients 69 patients Cooperation model: Both units in the same area of the hospital Meeting twice a week Discuss common patients Assign the parts One nurse responsible for coordination Acute pain Team Psychiatric CL- Team Acute pain treatment Psychological/ psychiatric treatment Psychiatrist Psychologist Menthal health nurse Anesthesiologist Pain nurse Biopsychosocial treatment Conclusion: Our results so far indicate that it is a feasible approach to combine acute pain teams with CL-teams and pain outpatient centres. Physiotherapist Social worker Pain physician Dietician Occupational therapist Psychiatrist Psychologist Menthal health nurse Anesthesiologist Pain nurse Email: bjorn.hval@stolav.no randi.maarud@stolav.no EFIC LISBOA 2009