About the books print – online Mozilla Firefox/Chrome Lívia Vasas, PhD vasas.livia@semmelweis-univ.hu 2017
The holding The University has ca. 500 000 volumes The Central Library has ca. 300 000 volumes In the public catalog (HUNTEKA) 66 265 records In online book cataloge: 3 676 items
From the book rarities I. Benedicti Sinibaldi Jo. Geneanthropeiae sive de hominis generatione decateuchon Francfurt, 1669.
From the book rarities II. Pasteau Octave La chirurgie urinaire en france d’aprés les documents originaux… Paris 1908.
Hungarian book rarities III. Balassa János: A képző-műtétek Pest, 1867.
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