The customer of tomorrow Generation Y
Millennials Millennials are the key consumers of the future. Their familiarity with technology and open mindedness make them a unique and lucrative market to understand. They are set to be the main contributors to the UK economy. However, this consumer group presents new challenges for businesses to adapt to. From national borders being ‘outdated’ to career progression taking priority over money; they are a different consumer with different values, attitudes and even voting perspectives compared to the generation that preceded them. The next few slides explore this consumer and ultimately shows you how to market to the millennial generation; from harnessing the power of the internet, utilising social media, the importance of optimisation and even tailoring adverts to them.
Who exactly are they?
62%* agree that they “prefer to read news content online than in a newspaper” Lifestyle & attitudes 40%* “don’t mind being ruthless to get where I want” 67% have been know to “dance around when no-one is watching” 39% think the “nuclear family” is outdated 28% are “envious of my friends lifestyle” 71% agree that they “mainly use social media to keep in touch with friends & family” “Being healthy” means… 16% think cash is “outdated” 33% want to live / work in another country at some point in their lives 75% of under-25s voted remain (56% of 25-49s voted remain) 88% say that the Internet is their main source of information *definitely / tend to agree Source YouGov
What made them who they are?
What made them who they are?
They describe themselves differently Personality traits more likely used by those aged 18-34 when compared to the general population: Source YouGov
What makes them tick?
When are they plugged in?
Their brand affinity differs Source YouGov
They are more likely to seek food on the go Source YouGov
They constantly look for more information about business, brands and companies online Source YouGov
They still notice adverts conventionally Source YouGov
Conclusion : If you want to succeed with Millennials 1.Be accessible through all devices -make sure that you optimise everything to be compatible across the board -if not it’ll just be discarded. 2.Remember –they are also more likely to notice advertisements on the sides of buses, public transport, at the cinema, at bus stops and on the radio. 3.However, don’t just rely on traditional advertising -everything you advertise will be researched. 4.Be on social media -tailor your content and provide experiences for the consumer. 5.Simply being online isn’t enough. Speak to their values. Being able to reach them doesn’t mean you’re connecting and engaging with them. 6.Reach out, engage and make the connection. This can’t be done with simple generic adverts targeted to the masses. Millennials see through this and are more likely to engage with adverts which are tailored to them. Source YouGov