Undergrad (UG)s committee David Feil-Seifer (also on college committee) Monica Nicolescu Ming Li Lei Yang Dongfang Zhao Sushil Louis (Chair)
Including these slides Undergrad committee http://www.cse.unr.edu/~sushil/admin/ugrad/ Including these slides
Items New “C or better” in all required courses needs “gradual” updates to course descriptions (DFS) David has prepared a plan, will be executed. In Curriculog Minor in Unmanned Autonomous Systems Sent email to Indira to ask about what is happening (10/20/16) Manufacturing Quality/Product Excellence We have a new list from CSE submitted.
Items Big Data/Data science minor CS 1 for engineers (some discussion) Who (faculty) has expertise and is interested in this area? Lei, Fred, Feng (for now) Meeting Oct 21, 2016 at noon CS 1 for engineers (some discussion) Pros: Globally competitive engineers, more resources Cons: No resources No objection, but need resources and data What does engineering (ME, EBME, CE?, CME?) want? Can we and do we want to deliver? Are resources available? CSE chair to bring this up in Chair’s meeting?
Items Course Frequencies Done FYI: SCM 352 has been agreed to be an unrestricted technical elective We do have to put this in catalog since it is already in the engineering section of the catalog (I have not checked) Math 301 / CS 365 Too much overlap, Disallow after 2016? Affects math minor (now needs two extra math classes) Undergrad committee unanimously passed this on Nov 4, 2016
CS 0 for all (committee has not finished discussion) Possible Pros: More TAs, More Lecturers, More research time, 2+1 1 + 1 Cons No TAs, No Lecturers Consider morphing CS105 into CS 0. But need data What computing should UNR under-graduates know when they graduate? Programming (scratch?), Simple databases like Access or Google’s tables, Spreadsheets and Macros, Security essentials, material from current CS105 … ? Can we do a survey of faculty, alumni, students, … ? Should this be part of Silver Core, required for all?
CS105: Half and half course CS0 Current core objectives plus core science CS0 Must be part of the core curriculum Design, group design, design thinking Large multi-week project versus smaller projects Careers: Computing in Art, in X Survey of how embedded computing is in the modern world Ethics, law, policy Implications: How does computing relate to the modern world ? Privacy, Big data, security, AI, networks, … Future predictions Algorithms/Programming/Software/Scratch/Mobile Computing concepts Architecture Number systems Logic