Mentored by Jose Benito and Pedro Ferreira Google Summer of Code 2013 Rich Abstract Editor Indico Software by Pedro Gaudêncio Mentored by Jose Benito and Pedro Ferreira
What is Indico? Lecture web application Meeting to schedule and organize events Meeting Bunch of complex features call for abstracts, registration, e-payment, timetable, badges creation, paper reviewing, etc conference
Plain text editor vs Rich text editor? <textarea> <textarea> Wow, *now* I'm **beautiful**! this text is boring </textarea> </textarea> <div id=”text-preview”> Wow, now I'm beautiful! </div>
The Goal: produce beautiful abstracts Enhance the editing and submission of abstracts editor example
PDF The Goal: produce beautiful abstracts and produce its corresponding rendered result in a PDF
The technologies used PageDown editor Mathjax Latex Takes markdown text and converts it into raw HTML (that browsers natively render) and previews the result in real time on a canvas PageDown editor Takes LaTeX, MathML and AsciiMath math notation and renders them in the browser using web-based fonts and CSS Mathjax It's a document preparation system that includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation Latex
replace the plain textarea by the PageDown Editor The actual work 1 replace the plain textarea by the PageDown Editor Take the old plain text input area Just replace By the pagedown stuff HTML/css/JS
The actual work 2 make Pagedown work along with Mathjax 1 2 3 Store the $math$ In the text in an array And replace the text with @@args@@ Let pagedown Handle The markdown text Replace the @@args@@ By the $math$ Previosly stored Render the math in the pagedown previewer
render the inputted markdown/mathjax text The actual work 3 render the inputted markdown/mathjax text Convert the markdown Text to Html and Render The template
The actual work 4 Generate a pdf from the template and retrieve it Update the lost-in-time markdown2latex extension For the python-markdown package adding some features Replace the Reportlab pdf Template system By latex templates Regex headaches