Good Practice
Plymouth Games With the help of the Physical Activity Fund Plymouth AA hosted an event at the Plymouth Life Centre. Teams from HAASRA, CSSA, Land Registry & Livewell South West took part in 5 a side football Giant Jenga Tug of War Sprint Relay Indoor bowls
East Kent AA (Russell Scott Winners 2016) Any volunteers organising an event are provided with a free ticket to that event. Volunteer also receive vouchers and tee shirts and tickets in recognition for their efforts Volunteer recognition event held annually Increased membership by 800 in last 4 years by being proactive in local offices and holding awareness days.
Suffolk & North Essex Any new member will receive a welcome letter and a £3 voucher which can be redeemed against any area or regional activity or event – proved very successful. Hold quarterly membership draws to win gift vouchers, cinema tickets and as a one off 2 tickets to an England Cricket International Quality Street forms the basis for a continuous improvement plan – and QS a standard agenda item
Bournemouth Funny Money If you take part in an area activity or event you are allocated “Funny Money” (monopoly type money). At the AGM you are able to bid for various lots using your ”funny money” accumulated throughout the year. AGM Is well attended and good fun ! Lots include …..
Office Champions Bath & TWN Bath have recently mailed shot their members simply asking if anyone would like to be an office champion – They picked up 5 new Office Champions! TWN are in the process of mailshotting their members with the same simple request – watch this space !
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