Historical Views of Douthat State Park The following CCC images came from Google. The narration explains my motivation behind this project.
Map of Douthat State Park. Image came from www.sherpaguides.com.
This image shows the construction of the lodge at Douthat State Park This image shows the construction of the lodge at Douthat State Park. It came from the Library of Virginia site.
Another image from the Library of Virginia Another image from the Library of Virginia. This one shows the workers working to construct Douthat’s Lodge.
Historic view of buildings at Douthat State Park built by the CCC Historic view of buildings at Douthat State Park built by the CCC. This image came from http://www.dhr.virginia.gov/registers/Counties/Bath/Douthat_photo.htm
A view of Douthat’s beach from 1936 A view of Douthat’s beach from 1936. This image came from the web site www.dcr.virginia.gov.
Another view of a CCC cabin at Douthat State Park Another view of a CCC cabin at Douthat State Park. This image came from www.discoverbath.com.