Learning Into Practice Plan Nicola Creighton – Early Years and Childcare Development Officer On behalf of the Workforce Development and Training Standing Action Group The Development, Design, and Delivery of the annual Early Learning and Childcare Training Programme is the responsibility of the Workforce Development Group. Each year a training programme is produced which provides core mandatory training and a wide range of CPD courses. In each year more than 2000 training attendances are recorded. The key question for the Group is “What difference does this extensive and varied training actually make to standards of childhood practice?” Moreover, feedback from Development Officers and SVQ Assessors whilst observing practice in childcare settings, suggests it is hard to define or identify change or improvement in practice following a participant’s attendance at a particular training course. The existing practice of gathering learner feedback only extends to using learner evaluation at the end of each training session: Trainers gauge learner satisfaction on course content, trainer style and effectiveness, and next steps for learning. This has prompted the Group to look at ways of encouraging learner engagement with the course and also line manager monitoring post training. The Group designed a Learning Into Practice Plan and consulted on its use with trainers, and employers. It is designed for the participants to use self reflection during and after training sessions and use these reflections to make positive changes to their practice. We also recognised that participants will need support from their line managers to do this effectively. If achieved we will observe improved practice and better outcomes for children within settings and be able to back this up with appropriate data. Project Aims: 80% of the sample group will have identified specific learning gained from the training session along with improvements they intend to make to their practice. 80% of the sample group of line managers will have discussed these intended improvements and any support needed with participants. Method Discussions at the strategic group concluded that a form with relevant questions to promote professional discussion in the workplace following training attendance should be piloted.. A form was devised and circulated for feedback from the strategic groups and the wider community of managers through Forum meetings resulting in the Learning Into Practice Plan It was agreed to test it out on a small group initially with the project being taken forward with Aberlour Futures’ Development Officers’ Team Process map, Aim and Driver Diagram collated PDSA Cycle took place with improvements identifies but overall positive results PDSA Cycle two took place again with positive results Following further discussions as strategic level plan was put into place for all training providers to use. Achievements In both cycle one and two our project aims had been achieved. Feedback was sought from Managers and Line Supervisors during the cycles by telephone and email. This was all positive. Feedback has also been sought through Managers and Lead Practitioner forum meetings which again has all been positive. Process Change Extra time was allocated to the beginning of the training session in order to explain the purpose of the Learning Into Practice Plan and its intended use. Responses after cycle one although met targeted aim percentage were felt to be of varying levels of understating on how to detail specific learning. The course used does cover a wide range of practice areas so it was felt that cycle two should be carried out for a training session focused on the specific skills area of messy play. Responses after cycle 2 was then easier to see understanding of how to identify specific changes to practice Cycle 2: Use LIPP form during Skills Workshop: Messy Play Prediction: 80% of sample group will identify learning and use to improve practice Study: Gain data asking for forms to be returned Act: Bring Findings to Workforce Development Group The Workforce Development Group felt satisfied after two cycles to put the plan into full implementation stage. Cycle 1: Use LIPP form during Common Induction session Prediction: 80% of sample group will identify learning and use to improve practice Study: Gain data asking for forms to be returned Act: Carry out next cycle for a skills workshop instead Key Learning Points Participants may need further training on what it means to be a reflective practitioner Next steps How will we ensure Learning Into Practice Plan is implemented by all training providers? Develop a smarter system of collecting feedback data in order to continue to evaluate the effectiveness of the Learning Into Practice Plan Further information contact: nicola.creighton@aberlour.org.uk 01224764719 or 07717535879