New and review procedures Class materials Text books/novels Pencil sharpener, etc. Art supplies Kleenex, etc. Study time rules Music Due dates Always learning attitude Your role/my role Extra time: no “sit and wait” READ Class web page
Work on your Activities Assignment for the next15-20 minutes of class. Choose four activities you enjoy or participated in this summer. Draw a scene or montage representing each activity. (Color is optional.) Write in any form (paragraph, letter, story, poem, etc.) to explain the activity. Make careful corrections as needed. When you finish—in this class, we are ALWAYS LEARNING= Use all the time provided Do quality work—be concerned about showing what you can do, not just finishing Early finishers, READ! DUE TODAY—This will be your first assignment worth points!
What is a mural? Art work painted on a wall or other permanent surface. The artist usually creates the entire outline and then paints. Historically, murals tend to “tell a story” or to reflect something of value to the area or artist. In the end of the story Summer on Wheels, Mando and Hector are involved in creating two different murals. We will create a mural of Hector and Mando’s journey. It will tell the story of their summer! Samples Planning/goal=two key activities per chapter represented. Due Friday 8 September
WORK TIME Guidelines Focused on the tasks No talking You may come to my desk to ask me questions. No device use To Do: Be sure your “Four Activities” assignment is ready to share with me. Ask “Am I satisfied with this work?” Read the rest of Chapter Three Pencil sketch activities from Chapters 1-3 on your mural sheet.
Collecting work at the door If your assignment is not completely ready to go, always wait until the end of the line. If you have a question about your assignment, always wait at the end of the line. To hand work in, we will line up as usual. Keep your due assignment in your hand. Give it to me face up with your name facing me as you leave. EVERYONE GIVES ME AN ASSIGNMENT WITH SOMETHING COMPLETED….EVERYONE, NO MATTER WHAT--PERIOD!
Types of assessments Pretest, formative, summative Do your best/timed. If you finish early, work on your mural, Chapters 1-3.