Umm Al-Qura University بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Umm Al-Qura University Health Sciences College at Al-Leith Department of Public Health Lecture (12)
Objectives 1/ Define of Scabies mite species. 2/ Define Scabies mite classification, Geographical Distribution, External morphology, Life cycle, Adult behavior and Medical important. 3/ Understand the role of Scabies mite in Transmission of parasitic diseases. 4/ Understand the Mechanisms of Scabies mite diseases Transmission to human. 5/ Define Treatment of Scabies mite diseases and Prevention. 6/ Apply of Scabies mite control methods.
SCABIES Identification A parasitic infestation of the skin caused by a mite whose penetration is visible as tiny linear burrows containing the mites and their eggs.
Ventral view of the scabies mite
External morphology: The female mite (0.3-0.45 mm) is just visible without the aid of a hand lens. It is whitish and disc-shaped. Dorsally the mite is covered with numerous small peg-like spines.
Infection with scabies: Lesions are prominent around finger webs, anterior surfaces of wrists and elbows, anterior axillary folds, thighs and external genitalia in men.
nipples, abdomen and the lower portion of the buttocks are frequently affected in women. In infants, the head, neck, palms and soles may be involved. Itching is intense, especially at night , scratching frequently causes secondary bacterial infections which may be quite severe resulting in boils, pustules,eczema and impetigo contagiosa.
crusted scabiei
Behavior: Female mites dig the surface layers of the skin. mites feed on liquids from dermal cells they have chewed. transmitted only by close contact
Life cycle: A female mite lays 1-3 eggs a day in her tunnel. Eggs hatch after 3-4 days, and small six-legged larvae emerge which look like miniature adults. After 3-4 days the larva molts in the pocket to produce an eight-legged nymph which after 2-3 days molts to produce a second nymph
After 2-3 days the second nymphal stage molt to become either a male or female adult. The life cycle from egg to adult usually takes 10-14 days. Female mites may live for 4-6 weeks on humans, but away from their hosts for only 2-5 days.
Prevention and Control avoiding direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or with items such as clothing or bedding used by an infected person. Scabies treatment usually is recommended for members of the same household. Bedding and clothing washed by using the hot water and hot dryer cycles or be dry-cleaned. Persons with crusted scabies and their close contacts, including household members, should be treated rapidly and aggressively to avoid outbreaks.
مكافحة الجرب البرميثرين 5% علاج المرضي العمل المدرسة عزل الافراد المصابين علاج المرضي العمل المدرسة
ترك الاسرة بدون استعمال لمدة اكثر من اربعة ايام يؤدي الي موت الحلم غسل الملابس الداخلية والملابس التي استعملها المريض باستخدام السخانات لقتل الجرب ان درجة حرارة 50 م لمدة عشرة دقائق تقتل الحلم
Treatment 5% permethrin scabicide cream (Elimite®)
Thanks Radia 24