The Company Visit Plant Visit Second Interview Site Visit Office Visit
Company Visit Overview A major part of the hiring process A full day of interviewing and related activity Allows for in-depth assessment of candidate by company officials before job offer Candidate gets to see company and some of its people first hand before offer Expect an offer after the visit
What You Need to Know Interview will be broader in focus and cover many more in-depth questions Interview will be longer and will probably meet a number of people Preparation is key Determine how this company and position fits with your short-term plans
Arrangements Know name and phone number of trip coordinator Get answers to all questions from trip coordinator--be sure to get directions Know where you are to be and when & who to ask for upon arrival Have map, airline tickets, reservations Know reimbursement procedures
Interview Preparation Brush up on company research Refresh memory of who you met during 1st interview; review job description Practice your interviewing skills Develop insightful questions designed to show interest in the company & job Take resumes, transcript & references Take documentation pertaining to visit
Arrival & Evening Before Try to arrive in the city the night before the company visit Hotel check-in (ask for messages or information for you) Company may arrange for an employee to meet you for dinner Companion for dinner might be line manager, key contact, new hire or a former student of Texas A&M
The Site Interview Dress in business attire unless told otherwise Everyone you meet will be interviewing you No smoking or alcohol Be aware of your table manners Avoid controversial topics May be asked same questions by everyone interviewing you
Things to Look For Look at human element and work environment Are people happy, tense, overworked? Enthusiasm about company and job Comfort of work environment. Is it a good place for work?
Business Meals Here is what they are after: Reasonable table manners: someone who knows which fork to use and doesn’t have disgusting habits. Or simply, someone to represent their organization well. Social skills: someone who can carry on a conversation. Economy: someone who doesn’t order the most expensive meal, who will behave responsibly with an expense account. Moderation: someone who won’t get stinky drunk or even slightly tipsy and be a liability to the organization. Respect: someone who treats wait staff respectfully, along with clients, co-workers and reports. Relax, be yourself, take your time with questions and enjoy the meal.
Salary Don’t mention salary until the company brings it up Be ready to give them a broad salary range Avoid giving an exact figure
Before Departure Be sure all your questions have been answered Understand your responsibility regarding follow up
Community Request information from local chamber of commerce on the area Get an apartment or home guide from the chamber or a local realtor Ask about housing, entertainment, cost of living and other personal concerns during the visit
Trip Expenses Most are prepaid by the company May choose to put on your credit card and be reimbursed by company Always collect receipts for expenses Use common sense and good judgement regarding expenses
Trip Expenses
After the Visit Write a thank-you letter within two days Send letter to your key contact person Ask for date to expect to hear about employment decision Call the company, if their decision date passes with no response
An Offer During Visit Sleep on it before saying yes, never accept on the spot Always ask for time to consider it
Multiple Interviews and Offers 1st - Inform other companies that you have a decision deadline – they want to know Anything you can provide to help their decision? When do they expect to make decision? 2nd - Ask 1st company for decision extension based on above if you need one Reasonable time frame vs. your availability Was Company cooperative/understanding? “Several companies replied to my email that day and mobilized quickly. A couple more offers are coming in now, some better than others.”
Aggie Code of Honor When you sign an employment contract with a firm it is exactly that, a contract. Don’t accept an offer for employment unless you are serious about it and plan to work for them. You should not be looking for other employment once you have signed that contract. It’s OK to ask for a reasonable time extension to consider other jobs. Reneging hurts not only you, but the reputation of all Aggies interviewing now and in the future.