Introduction : Session 1 (a) Warriors For Jesus Catching the Wave
Over three thousand years ago Over three thousand years ago. The first surfers were Polynesian fishermen who discovered riding waves as an efficient method of getting to shore with their catch Fishers of Men
Catching the Wave
First Missionary to Pacific John Williams First Missionary to Pacific (1796 – Nov 1939)
The Great Commission 16 Then the eleven disciples left 18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
. … and distant shores shall bring tribute to him. Psalm 72 verse 10
New Generations are catching the wave
500 + respond to the Great Commissions Call
From the heart of Oceania A Movement begin November 2013 From the heart of Oceania
Make disciples of all nations Make disciples of all nations. Mobilize Pacific People to carry out the Great Commission around the world Purpose
All Generations , All ages & Cultures
A New Generation partnering with the Old
…. So where do I fit in ?
9 I will not be like Ephraim though fully armed with bows turned away when the challenge came. Psalm 78 v 9
The Big Ask Pray for 100 + Pacific Teams in 2017 Pray for 50 + NATIONS The Big Ask Pray for 100 + Pacific Teams in 2017 Pray for 50 + NATIONS Pray for 500 Pacific Missionaries in 2017 Pray for 5000 Pacific Missionaries
‘From New Zealand a Soldier ‘Known unto God’ They came from the Uttermost parts of the Earth Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery,
Pastors & Leaders Vision Breakfast GG Pastors & Leaders Vision Breakfast Pastors Awareness Friday 19 April 2013 Time – 7:30AM Grace International Church 77-79 Line Rd. Glen Innes
Glocal , Cross Cultural Ministry Both Locally & Globally 100’s of Churches Thousands of TEAMS Tens of Thousand Mobilized Disciples Equipped, empowered and released Glocal , Cross Cultural Ministry Both Locally & Globally
The Wave of Opportunity is ours to catch
Questions Why do you think that large People Groups like the Pacific Islanders, by and large have not been heavy engaged in Missions? How can the church be more effective in sending out more missionary a) short term b) long term ?