Pink Slip Information – 75 Points Due Wednesday (June 1st) Start completing the following information. 1. Your true full name (need your entire middle name). 2. Your birthday. Month-date-year. Example: 03-01-1999. For 25 bonus points, bring a copy of your birth certificate (do not bring the original document). 3. Your parent’s full name. The person who is going to sign your pink slip (DL 387 form) and your primary parental practice driving trainer. 4. Your home address, including apartment or unit number, city and zip code. Write the above information on a note paper when you are home, you will copy them to a sample pink slip on Wednesday during class.
Testing Suggestions for DMV Written Examinations No time limit. Don’t rush. Follow test protocol, no talking or electronics. Best behavior. Examinations can be multiple choices or true-false. Use pencil. Easier to change your answer. 1. Read each question completely and carefully. Recognize the double negative questions. 2. Skip (and circle the question number) questions you are not sure of the answers. 3. Eliminate incorrect answer options. 4. Go back to circled (skipped) questions. 5. Double check your answers.