Denver Outreach Partners Mile High Health Alliance, First Access to Care Working Group September 8, 2015 Covering Kids and Families; Denver, CO
Be Healthy Denver’s Community Health Improvement Plan Five-year Goal: increase the percent of Denver residents that have access to primary medical care, including behavioral health, to 95% Increase the number of Denver residents with health care coverage Assess and build capacity of safety net providers in Denver Create a health alliance to increase care coordination and system collaboration Community identified priorities: Access to Care Healthy Eating Active Living
Mission: Achieving Better Health through Collaboration Established in 2015 Brings together stakeholders from: Medical care Behavioral health care – mental health and substance abuse treatment Public health and other governmental entities Social and community services Mission: Achieving Better Health through Collaboration
Interested in joining the Alliance? Contact Working Groups First Access to Care (coverage, health and insurance literacy, entry into care) Access to Specialty Care for Underinsured and Uninsured Denver Residents Better Management of High Utilizers of the Medical Care System Integrated Physical and Behavioral Health Interested in joining the Alliance? Contact
First Access Group First Access Priorities: Any point in the health system where a patient first gains access, and continues to go for his/her primary health care needs. Priorities: Outreach and enrollment Resources for newly insured Health literacy A person’s ability to understand his/her personal health and coverage needs, successfully access and navigate the health system, and make informed decisions.
First Access Group Share information about outreach and enrollment events Request assistance as needed Track enrollment in Denver County Send enrollment updates to partners Discuss funding opportunities Define our role in promoting health insurance literacy Facilitate community outreach and enrollment meetings Meetings: Third Tuesday of each month 9am-10:30am Location variesa
Denver Outreach and Enrollment Summit 2015 Meeting Objectives: Build and strengthen partnerships Share ideas about how to enroll the remaining uninsured Celebrate previous successes Encourage innovation Develop enrollment plans tailored to specific priority populations Include communication considerations Promote accountability to help implement enrollment plans
Small Group Discussions Self-select into groups: Racial/Ethnic Communities Occupation-Based Health Care Sites Discussion Questions: What has been done? What has worked well? What should we try? How should we prioritize? What resources are needed? Who should be involved? Accountability plan
Denver Outreach and Enrollment Summit 2015 Meeting Outcomes: Identified new workgroup participants Defined priority populations Developed specific action items Identified individuals and/or groups to implement
Denver Outreach and Enrollment Summit 2015 Action Plan Examples: Activity Update Person/Group Responsible Follow up with the Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce to discuss opportunities for outreach and enrollment This meeting has been scheduled. Bill Follow-up with Peggy on text to include in newsletters for skincare and massage professionals Peggy is working on this text and will send to Rebekah to review. Peggy and Rebekah Translate Spanish version of employer letter Mirna shared Spanish version. Brad will assist with translation. Brad Create messages for public library screensavers Consider Denver Motor Vehicle offices, parks and recreation facilities, workforce development centers, and other public facing entities as well. Need to determine what information is included on these slides. Do we include MHHA logo? Rebekah to discuss with Lisa and Bill; will report back to the group.
Interested in joining the Alliance? Contact Next Steps Continue to meet monthly Implement outreach and enrollment summit action plan Current focus: Open Enrollment Period 3 Outreach and enrollment events Future focus: health literacy Interested in joining the Alliance? Contact