The Struggle for Ratification Unit 3 Part 1 The Struggle for Ratification
The Federalists Supported the ratification (approval) of the Constitution. Felt the Constitution would: 1. Unite the quarreling states. 2. Not threaten the states liberty. 3. Keep the branches of the government in check and not allow them to abuse their power.
Question What did the Federalists support? What was the name of the articles these men wrote that were later published? Name three well known Federalists?
Answers Federalists supported ratification of the Constitution The Federalists published the articles called The Federalist. Three well known Federalist were James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton.
The Federalists
The Anti-Federalists Opposed Ratification Feared that a central government would have too much power over the states. Complained that there was no bill of rights. Felt federal courts would swallow up state courts. Also feared a strong central government might bring a tyranny as bad as the British.
Question What did the Anti-Federalists oppose? What did the Anti-Federalists complain about the Constitution? What did it lack? Name three well known Anti-Federalists?
Answers The Anti-Federalists opposed the ratification of the Constitution. The Anti-Federalists complained that the Constitution did not contain a Bill of Rights. Three well known Anti-Federalist were Patrick Henry, George Mason, and Samuel Adams.
Federalists v. Anti-Federalists
The Massachusetts Debate Delaware, Penn., NJ, Georgia, and Conn. all ratified the Constitution. Weary of a strong central government the Anti-Federalists of Mass. were against ratification. Promise to add a bill of rights and John Hancock's support helped Mass. become the sixth state to ratify the Constitution.
John Hancock-Massachusetts Debate
Ratification at Last June 1788, the Constitution was officially approved when the ninth state, New Hampshire, voted to ratify. The new government would have little chance of survival if the remaining four states would not ratify. All states would ratify by 1790 Electoral College met and elected George Washington, Pres., John Adams, V.P.
Ratification by the Constitution
Question Which state officially ratified the Constitution with the 9th vote? Which state was the last to ratify? In what year? Who was voted the 1st POTUS? Who was voted the 1st V.P.?
Answers New Hampshire was the ninth ratify the Constitution. Rhode Island was the last state to ratify the Constitution in 1790. George Washington (VA) John Adams (MA)
George Washington-1st POTUS
John Adams- Vice President
Bill of Rights 1st Ten Amendments (changes) to the Constitution are called the Bill of Rights. Bill of Rights guarantees our most cherished freedoms such as: > freedom of speech > freedom of the press > freedom of assembly > freedom to worship > due process of law Due process of law: Following legal steps in a court of law.
Bill of Rights