Welcome to our Online Membership Meeting. The Mission of the United States Catholic Mission Association
Mission and Vision The United States Catholic Mission Association (USCMA) is a national coalition of organizations and individuals dedicated to mission. It promises members opportunities to convene, connect, and collaborate on efforts to advance mission and global solidarity. It cultivates the missionary spirit in the U.S. Catholic Church. Blessed with Jesus's vision of the Kingdom of God, USCMA implements its national mission through the values of respect, collaboration, and solidarity. The Board of Directors has wrestled with an articulation of the mission and vision of the association for some time. In the course of the visioning process at the Board of Directors Meeting in April 2016, the above mission statement emerged.
We would like to hear from you We want to hear your feedback on the statement as given. Click here to let the Board of Directors know whether you: affirm the statement as it is; affirm the statement with some suggestions; or do not affirm the statement as is with your reasons. This is a consultation on the mission statement. Your responses will be compiled and given to the Board of Directors for consideration. The Board of Directors is very grateful for your feedback. Thank you!
This concludes our prepared remarks This concludes our prepared remarks. I would like to say thank you to our members for your continued support will help us in supporting our mission. It is much appreciated. And thank you all for joining us.