8th Grade Dance Rules and Dress Code
We want everyone to have a great time, so here are the expectations. Only 8th grade students from PGMS may attend. Be appropriate in how you dress and act. No Limos! Save that for prom. Asking someone special? Great… but NOT during lunch or testing, please!
What to Wear: Boys
No… Tuxedos… Save These For Prom! T-Shirts or Jeans
Girls Fingertip Length One-Shoulder Dresses are Allowed Spaghetti Straps are OK Strapless is OK NO plunging necklines NO cut-out sides or backs NO Bare Midriffs (Including Dresses w/Nude Fabric on Midriff Area)
NO… Plunging Necklines Cut-Out Sides Or Back The administration team has the final decision on what is appropriate. Students will be sent home to change if not appropriately attired.
NO… Bare Midriffs Long Gowns… Save These for Prom.
Ummm…. Please No Please know, students will be sent home to change if not appropriately attired!
YES!!!! For more info, see Ms. Gibson or Ms. Wilson
And Now…the Rules! Extracurricular activities are defined as any school-sponsored program for which some or all of the activities are outside the regular school day. Students who have ISS or OSS on May 19th, or who are not in school for AT LEAST half of the school day (9:00am – 12:31pm for students checking out), will not be permitted to attend the dance that evening. Special early check-out procedures for the dance will be distributed to 8th graders next week and posted on the PGMS website. Please note that checking out for dance-related reasons will be considered an unexcused absence.
Things to remember! Tickets are $15 per person and will be sold before school in the atrium May 1st – May 5th only. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Cash or Checks; Checks payable to PGMS. Tickets will also be sold during lunch on May 5th. This will be the last day to buy your ticket. See Ms. Gibson or Ms. Wilson if you have questions.