Mission Statement Fostering Beliefs in Higher Standards
Staff Coach Hill- CTAE, AP Testing, discipline Coach Lawler- AD, facilities, discipline Mrs. Rogers- Curriculum, Testing, scheduling Mrs. Thompson- Curriculum & Instruction, Scheduling
Counselors Ms. Adcock- P-Z Ms. Carr- G-O Mrs. Fishman- A-F
Our Schedule 7 periods each day. 50 minute classes Four different lunches
Rigorous Academic Course Offerings Honors Level Courses Advanced Placement Courses (College Credit) Accel (Joint Enrollment)-University of North Georgia, Gainesville Campus
HOPE Scholarship All credits attempted in English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and Modern Language will be counted in the calculation for HOPE GPA. Georgia Student Finance Commission calculates the HOPE GPA. A 3.0 cumulative GPA is required to be eligible for HOPE. “A”=4.0, “B”=3.0, “C”=2.0, “F”=0.
GAcollege411 Visit www.GAcollege411.org for more information.
End-of Course-Test (EOCT) 8 Content Areas Ninth Grade Lit. US History American Lit. Economics Physical Science Coordinate Algebra Biology Analytic Geometry State mandated Final Exam 20% of grade
Earning Credits Transcript 6 credits to be considered a Sophomore 12 credits to be considered a Junior 18 credits to be a Senior 23 credits for graduation
What do I need to graduate? English- 4 Credits Math- 4 Credits Science- 4 Credits Social Studies- 3 Credits Health & Fitness- 1 Credit Modern Languages, CTAE, Fine Arts – 3 Credits (any combination) 23 Total Credits
Attendance & Tardies Excuses turned in to attendance office within 5 days Students must make-up work within 5 days of returning to school Tardy to school or class- 3 freebies Exam exemption- 85 & no more than 5 absences (excused and unexcused count) 10 unexcused absences- no permit
Dress Code Changes Shorts, mini skirts, and dresses must be within a dollar bill lengthwise from the middle of the knee Leggings and tights are allowed only as an under garment Yoga pants are allowed as long as the shirt/sweater worn meets the dollar bill requirement No muscle shirts
NOT in Dress Code
NOT in Dress Code
NOT in Dress Code
Student ID Student ID is to be worn around the neck, on a lanyard, and in a sleeve at all times ID’s cannot be marked on, cut, or defaced Nothing should obstruct the ID
Clinic Nurse on staff Medication Must have a permission form Must be brought to the school by a parent and given to the nurse Be in the original container
Parent Portal Please make sure you have access to Infinite Campus Progress Reports are not sent home Teacher’s emails and school announcements
Leadership and Character Time Management Core Values Responsibility Integrity
Arrival- Student drop off
Arrival- Buses
Dr. Carter’s Rules Be Respectful Be on time Be where you are supposed to be Do what you are supposed to be doing